A letter from Peter of Savoy (1255)


Peter of Savoy


Beatrice of Savoy

Translated letter:

[We J., by the grace of God, archbishop of Vienne, and R., archbishop of Tarentaise, F. bishop of Grenoble, and B., humble abbot of Hautecombe, executors of the last will of the illustrious lady Beatrice countess of Provence of happy memory, make known to all who see the present letters that we have seem and carefully inspected and read word for word letters sealed with the seal of the illustrious man lord Peter count of Savoy, not annulled, tainted, erased, nor corrupted in any part, of which the tenor is:] We, Peter of Savoy, signify to all who see or hear the present letters that we praise and approve the donation, transfer and grant which the most excellent lady our mother made of all her goods to our dearest sister Beatrice, countess and marchioness of Provence and countess of Forcalquier, as is fully contained in the letters composed by our mother. We hold this authentic and binding and promise to observe that donation, transfer and grant perpetually, firmly and inviolably and that it will never be contravened nor will a charge or dispute be brought by us or anyone else, rather with all our power it will be maintained, defended and observed by all. We renounce in full knowledge in this matter all exceptions of fraud in deed and all help and benefit of canon or civil law which might be applicable or prevail for us against said donation, transfer, and grant. In witness of which we have had our patent letters made. Given on the quinquagesima of Easter, in the year of the lord 1255. [In witness of which we, the aforesaid executors have had our seals affixed to the present transcript made with careful comparison. Given on the Thursday after the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, in the year of the lord 1265.]

Original letter:

Nos J. dei gratia sancte viennensis ecclesie et R. tarentasiensis archiepiscopi F. gracianopolitanensis episcopus et B. humilis abbas altecumbe executores ultime voluntatis felicis recordationis illustris domine Beatricis comitisse provincie, notum facimus universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod nos vidimus et inspeximus diligenter et de verbo ad verbum legimus quasdam litteras sigillo illustris viri domini Petri comitis Sabaudie sigillatas, non abolitas, non viciatas non cancellatas nec in aliqua parte sui corruptas, quarum tenor talis est: Nos Petrus de Sabaudia significamus universis presentes litteras visuris vel audituris quod nos donationem cessionem et concessionem quam excellentissima domina mater nostra fecit de onmibus bonis suis karissime sorori nostre Beatrici comitisse et marchionisse Provincie et comitisse Folkaquerii sicut in litteris ejusdem matris nostre inde confectis plenius continetur, laudamus et approbamus ipsamque ratam habemus et firmam promittentes bona fide ipsam donationem cessionem et concessionem perpetuo firmiter et inviolabiliter observare et nullo unquam tempore per nos vel per alium contravenire nec litem vel controversiam inde movere, imo ab omnibus toto posse nostro manutenere, defendere et servare. Renunciantes ex certa scientia in hoc facto omni exceptioni doli in factum et omni auxilio et beneficio tam juris canonici quam civilis quod nobis contra dictam donationem, cessionem et concessionem posset competere vel valere. In cujus rei testimonium inde fieri fecimus has litteras nostras patentes. Datum in quindena pasche, anno domini M CC quinquagesimo quinto. In cujus rei testimonium nos supradicti executores facta collatione diligenti presenti transcripto sigilla nostra duximus apponenda. Datum die jovis post festum beati luce evangeliste, anno domini M CC sexagesimo quinto.

Historical context:

The public letter by Beatrice's brother Peter recognizes and approves their mother's will leaving her possessions in the Alps to her daughter. Marguerite of Geneva died in 1258, but she signed over all her possessions in the Alps to Beatrice in 1255. Peter's letter is enclosed in a public letter dated 1265 by the executors of Beatrice's will. Peter became count of Savoy in 1263.

Manuscript source:

Vidimus of 1526 in Archivi di Stato di Torino (Principi del Sangue).

Printed source:

Francisque Viard, Beatrice de Savoye (Lyon: L'Echo de Savoie, 1942) 87-88, document #8.





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