Theses Master's

The hidden political and economic influence of the security industrial complex on Europe’s deadly border controls

Ramé, Capucine

With growing awareness of the ineffectiveness of the European Union anti-immigration policies, and the human rights violations associated with them, this thesis investigates why such measures continue to be pursued. More specifically, it explores the power dynamics behind the decision-making process that drives border policy, to understand the underlying agendas and the resulting consequences for the human rights of refugees.

To this end, this research studies documents from meetings organized by Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, with various industry representatives between 2019 and 2023. From this analysis, two main findings have emerged. First, private security companies take advantage of Frontex’s opaque and discretionary decision-making process. Driven by competition, corporate interests, and a lack of transparency, they seek to promote their economic interests regardless of potential abuses.

Second, the products these companies sell to Frontex have contributed to the militarization of Europe’s borders, involving armed forces on land, at sea, and in the air, contributing to the creation of an intrusive surveillance system. However, the deployment of these technologies is rarely accompanied by safety or rights training. In addition, it contributes to the collection and sharing of sensitive biometric data, undermining refugees’ rights to life, security, liberty, and protection against discrimination, arbitrary detention, and deportation, among others.

By shedding light on the hidden political and economic influence of the security industrial complex on Europe’s deadly border controls, this thesis aims to encourage greater transparency and accountability of Frontex and the European Union, and ultimately protect the rights and lives of people on the move.

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More About This Work

Academic Units
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Thesis Advisors
Holland, Tracey M.
B.A., Columbia University
Published Here
August 7, 2024