A letter from Henry III (12/18/1226)


Henry III


Isabel of Angoulême

Translated letter:

The king to his dearest mother Isabel, by that same grace illustrious queen of England, etc., greeting. You should know that we have granted you 3500 marks which were bequeathed to you by our lord king John, our father, at his death, as we were given to understand, if it can be established by those who were present at his death. In witness of which, etc. With me as witness at Westminster, 18th day of December, in the 11th year of our reign. [Cancelled.] They were paid.

Original letter:

Rex karissime matri sue I. eadem gratia illustri regine Anglie etc. salutem. Sciatis quod tria milia et quingentas marcas quas vobis legatas fuisse a domino J. rege patre nostro in extremis laborante, nobis datum est intelligi, vobis reddere concessimus, si per eos qui morti illius interfuerunt, inquiri possit quod eas vobis legaverit. In cujus etc. Teste me ipso, apud Westmonasterium, xviij die Decembris, anno regni nostri xj. [Cancelled.]'Reddite fuerunt.'

Historical context:

Henry grants his mother 3,500 marks left her by her husband, his father, king John.

Printed source:

Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 2, A.D. 1225-1232 (London: Mackie, 1903), 103.





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