A letter from and Baldwin (1144)


Melisende of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

In the name of the Father, etc. Let it be known to all present and future that I, Baldwin, by the grace of God fourth king of the Latins of the holy city of Jerusalem, and Melisende, queen, our mother, grant and confirm the gift which Fulk of pious memory, our father, third king of the Latins of holy Jerusalem, and that queen Melisende, our mother as we said, to the lepers brothers of the church of St. Lazarus which is in Jerusalem, for the remedy of their souls, that is one measure of land and a vineyard which those lepers planted, after the gift was made of that measure of land, which is before the house of those lepers, which our father and that queen our mother bought from a certain Syrian, whose measure of land it was. And, so that this our grant remain inviolate in perpetuity, we have had the present page of this our grant fortified by the strength of our seal. In the year 1144 from the Incarnation of the Lord. Witnesses of which thing are: Rohard, viscount of Jerusalem, Bernard Vacherius, Gerard Passerellus, Sado marshal.

Original letter:

In nomine Patris etc. Notum sit omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego, BA[L]DWINUS, Dei gratia, sancte civitatis Jerusalem rex latinorum quartus, et MILISENDIS regina, mater nostra, concedimus et confirmamus donum illud quod FULCO pie memorie, pater noster, sancte Jerusalem rex latinorum tertius, et ipsa MILISENDIS regina, ut prediximus mater nostra, leprosis ecclesie Sancti Lazari que est in Jerusalem confratribus pro remedio animarum suarum dederunt, unam videlicet terre petiam et vineam quam ipsi leprosi, post factam donationem in ejusdem terre petia, plantaverunt, que est ante eorumdem leprosorum domus sita, quam pater noster et ipsa regina mater nostra a quodam Suriano, cujus erat predicta terre petia, emerant. Et, ut hec nostra concessio in perpetuum inviolata permaneat, presentem hujus concessionis nostre paginam sigilli nostri corroboratione muniri fecimus. Anno ab Incarnatione Domini MC XLIIII. Cujus rei testes sunt: ROHARDUS, vicecomes Jerosolimitanus; BERNARDUS VACHERIUS; GIRARDUS PASSERELLUS; SADO marescalcus.

Historical context:

Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem, with the consent of his mother Melisende, confirms the gift which his father king Fulk and the queen gave to the lepers of St. Lazarus, namely a plot of land and a vineyard which the lepers planted after they received the land, which Fulk and Melisend had bought from a Syrian.

Printed source:

Archives de l’Orient latin, Société de l’Orient Latin (Paris: E. Leroux, 1881-84), v.2 B, 124-25, #3; RRH #227..





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