A letter from Philippa


Philippa of Champagne



Translated letter:

I Philippa daughter of the late count of Troyes, Henry of bright memory, wife of the lord Erard of Brienne.  I make known to all who will look at the present letters that I approve and hold firm the truces and agreements made over those truces between my husband Erard of Brienne and me on one side, and Blanche, said countess palatine of Troyes and Thibaut her son on the other, in the war which was waged between us and them, as contained in the letters on the promises sealed by the seal of my said lord and mine.  At the command of that same my lord and my own will, I have sworn that I will keep in good faith all that is contained in the past letters of my lord, and work to see that all the above are firmly observed.  Enacted at Faucogney in the 1218th year of the lord in the month of July.

Original letter:

Ego Philippa H(enrici) clare memorie quondam comitis Trecensis filia uxor domini Erardi de Brena. Notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis quod ego laudo et ratam habeo treugas et conventiones habitas super eisdem treugis factis inter maritum meum Erardum de Brena et me ex una parte, et Blancham dictam comitissam Trecensem palatinam et Th(eobaldum) natum ejus ex altera, de guerra que inter nos et ipsos mota erat, prout in litteris sigillo ejus ex altera, de guerra que inter nos et ipsos mota erat, prout in litteris sigillo dicti domini mei sigillatis super promissis continetur.  De mandato etiam ipsius domini mei et voluntate mea propria juravi me, servaturam bona fide omnia illa que in preteritis litteris domini mei continentur, et dare operam quod omnia supradicta firmiter observentur.  Actum apud Faucoignies anno Domini MCCoctavodecimo, mense julio.

Historical context:

Philippa declares her oath to observe the truce; cf. Cartulary #-116, Cistercian abbots record that Philippa swore the oath in their presence. 

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009) 91, #65.  Reprinted with permission of the press.


1218, July



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