A letter from Bertha of the Obertenghi (1028, July 1)


Bertha of the Obertenghi
Ulric-Manfred, marques of Turin



Translated letter:

In the name of the lord God and our savior Jesus Christ, Conrad, by God’s grace august emperor, in the second year of his empire, with God propitious, the kalends of July, eleventh indiction. We, in the name of God, Aldric, bishop of the holy church of Asti, and Oldric who is Manfred, marquis, brothers, sons of late Manfred, also marquis, and Bertha, by the mercy of Christ, countess, wife of the same lord marquis and daughter of Otbert of good memory, also marquis, have all declared that we live under Salic law. Further, with that spouse of mine consenting to me, Bertha countess as above and confirming below, we, present, wish to say to those present how we have established through our testament concerning certain property of ours the almighty lord, to whom all things visible and invisible are subject, as our heir, and in fear and love of him, through his administration, for deacons, subdeacons, acolytes, (with) supplication and obedience so that as they will improve themselves from week to week as much for priests and deacons as for subdeacons and acolytes and their other servants to be sanctified to God so that for their labor, they might have expense and sustenance for restoring their bodies in the church of the Lord Savior located within the city of Turin, where a canonry was built in honor of the aforesaid Lord Savior so that they might pour out prayers day and night to our Creator for us and our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters and relatives and our kin living and deceased and all the faithful, so that he, from his mercy, might eliminate our crimes and make us sharers in eternal life with his saints. Truly we know that Christ and the church are one person, what are of the church are of Christ and whatever things are offered to the church (are offered to Christ), and in the holy scriptures is included according to the word of Christ (that) whoever has conferred anything from his possessions on God or his saints will receive a hundred-fold in this world, and moreover what is better is he will possess eternal life. And thence let it be known to all that that property, about which we have established the aforesaid creator as heir, we thus have commanded that always the fruit that will come from it and all that is owed to it be gathered for it in the barn of the same canonry, nor should it be combined with other fruit or debts belonging to the same canonry and thereby the priest, deacon, subdeacon, acolyte who will hold weekly duties and their servants will have it for use and expense and restoration, as they will improve themselves from week to week. And that property is a court that is called St. Dalmatius in a place that is called Mt. Electus, with God assisting, which is of our right, as regarding plots and vineyards, gardens and construction sites, arable lands, meadows, forests, woods and other things belonging to the same court, as much as will be found by men dwelling at the same court (that is) governed and worked (by them). Further, the above total for the expense and sustenance granted as read above both now and in the future, by measure over the whole is two-hundred twenty acres. It adjoins on one side up to the summit of Mount Electus. On the second side a river flows where a mill is placed. On the third side runs a river. On the fourth side is cultivated land. And concerning our things within the adjoining areas, if more will be found than the measure read above, with all integrity through this our testament we give and concede and confirm to the part of the canonry so that it may endure with proprietary right. But we wish and strongly confirm this through this our testament that in no way should that ordination remain in the power of any person, not of a bishop or provost or any canon or cleric or even layperson, except as read above in almighty God, and following him let it happen as was confirmed above by us through this our testament and will be added here below that the same court with its appurtenances should endure for the use and expense and restoration of priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes, as the aforesaid canons will improve themselves from week to week sacrificing and serving God, so that they may have it to provide for use and expense. In no way should the provisions and fruits that will come from the same court be dispensed or given for another use or expense. But if it will happen that any person great or small will presume to violate this our will and ordination as read above, we wish and confirm through this our testament that then the same court as read above will come continually into our power, of the above, Adelric, bishop and Manfred, marquis, and Bertha, countess, if we will be living or two or one for as long as one of us will be in this world, and after the death of all of us (it should come) to the use of our nearest relatives, who will appear at that time, not for ownership but for governing and defense and it should remain in our or in their power for as long as the one who committed this willingly or unwillingly refuses to fulfill our will as read above. And as said we have from the present day and hour established the same God the creator as our heir and …(according to) law we make transfer and investiture to God and (by the) small knife and knotted straw, glove and by piece of earth and by branch of tree,1 making those persons of whom for obedience, the aforesaid canons will be ordered to seek and gather the fruit, tax or debt for the use of the said canons (to do) whatever they will both for reward of our soul, of those above, Adelric and Manfred, marquis, and Bertha, countess, as much for fathers and mothers as for brothers and sisters and all the faithful and deceased. And concerning all these things as read above that must be fulfilled we establish through this our testament the creator to be our heir, as said for the use and expense of their canons as they will be for weekly duties in the way that was declared above. We give and confirm and …..what will be that we cannot see we make obligation insofar as we can. But if, which we do not believe will occur, we as above, Adleric, bishop and the spouses, God forbid, or any of our heirs or representatives of heirs, a person opposed will attempt at any time to go against this our testament or will seek to infringe it through any contrivance, then let us impose on that party, against which we will have thenceforth brought suit, a hundred ounces [of gold?]…, two-hundred pounds of silver, and we will renew what we cannot vindicate. But let this present testament of ours remain firm and stable for long duration and through …. stipulation supported. Moreover the said thing will be doubled as the property will be improved or valued as according to circumstance in judgment in similar place, and in honor of my priest, as above, Al… at any time to refuse what I willed, but I promise to preserve inviolably what was drawn up and done once by me with stipulation supported, and on parchment with ink to the notary and judge of the holy palace we have handed over this testament to be written and we requested that it be written (and) have offered it to be strengthened by witnesses confirming below. Whence two test . . . Enacted happily within this city of Turin. + Alric, by God’s grace, bishop, signed below. + This is the sign of the said lord Manfred, marquis, who requested that this testament be made and his same spouse, consented to his spouse, Bertha, countess, as above. + Sign of the hand of the lady Bertha, countess, who requested that this testament be made as above. Sign + of the hand of Girbert, living under rom[an] law. Sign +++ by the hands of Hudonus and Pepinus and Boson, witnesses living under Salic law. Sign +++ of the hands of Odo… + Eribaldus, judge of the holy palace living under Roman law, as requested, I signed below. I, as above, Herenzo, notary and judge of the holy palace, writer, subsequently delivered this testament … 2

Original letter:

In nomine domini dei et saluatoris nostri Ihu Xpi. churadus gratia Dei imperator augustus. anno imperii eius Deo propitio secundo kalendas iulias indictio xi. Nos in Dei nomine Aldericus sancte astensis ecclesie episcopus, et Oldericus qui et Mainfredus. marchio germanis filii quondam itemque Mainfredi similique marchionis seu Berta Xpi misericordia cometissa coniunx eiusdem dompni marchionis . et filia bone memorie Autberti itemque marchionis qui professi sumus omnes lege uiuere salica. Ipso namque iugale meo cui supra Bertani cometisse mihi consentiente et subtus confirmante presentibus presentes dicere uolumus qualiter per testamentum nostrum de quasdam res nostras omnipotentem dominum cui omnia sunt subiecta uisibilia et inuisibilia. heredem constituimus nostrum et in eius timore atque amore per eius administrationem pro diaconibus subdiaconibus acolitis supplicationem et obedicionem. ut sicut se mutuauerint (mutauerint) de hebdomada in hebdomadam tam de presbiteris et diaconibus. quam de subdiaconibus et acolitis. ceterisque eorum ministris a Deo sanctificandum ut per eorum laborem sumptum uictualiumque habeant ad reficientes suorum corpora in basilica Domini Saluatoris sita intra urbem taurinensem. ubi canonica in honori prefati Domini Saluatoris est constructa ut die noctuque pro nobis et pro genitoribus. seu genitricis. fratribus ac sororibus seu parentibus et consanguineis nostris uiuis atque defunctis. et omnibus fidelibus ad Creatorem nostrum effundant preces. ut ipse propter suam clementiam nostradeleat scelera. et ad uitam eternam cum sanctissuis participes nos faciat. Scimus ueraciter Xpum et Ecclesiam unam esse personam, que Ecclesie sunt. Xpi sunt, quecumque Ecclesie offeruntur et in sanctis scripturis insertum est iuxta auctoris uocem. quisquis ad Deum uel in sanctis suis . ex suis aliquid contulerit rebus in hoc seculo centuplum accipiet. et insuper quod melius est. uitam possidebit eternam. et inde notum omnibus sit. quod ipsa res unde prefatum Creatorem heredem constituimus. ita ordinauimus. ut semper fructus et omne debitum quod ex ea exierit per se sit in horrea eidem canonice collocatum. nec sit comunicatum cum ceteris frugibus uel debitis eidem canonice pertinentibus et inde presbiter diaconus subdiaconus acolitus qui hebdomadam tenuerint.eorumque seruientes de ea habeant usum et sumptum et refectionem. sicut se mutuauerint de hebdomada in hebdomadam. et ipsas res est de corte una quae sancti Dalmatii est uocata. ad locum ubi dicitur Mons Electus. auxiliante Deo. que est iuris nostri. sicut de sediminis et uitibus. hortis et curtificiis. terris arabilibus. pratis siluis buscaleis ceterisque de rebus pertinentibus eidem corti . quantum inuentum fuerit per homines eiusdem cortis habitantes recta et laborata. quod super totum in sumptum. uictaliumque ut supra legitur concessum tam nunc quamque in posterum pro mensura iusta super totum iugera duocentum uiginti. Coheret ei ex una parte usque ad cacumen Montis Electi. Ex alia parte decurrit riuus . ubimolendinum est compositum. Ex tertia parte . . .decurrit riuus. Ex quarta parte terrauuanango. Et si amplius de nostris rebus infra ipsas coherentias plus inuentum fuerit. quam ut supra mensura legitur. cum omni integritate per hoc nostrum testamentum damus et concedimus et confirmamus parti ipsius canonice ut persistat proprietario iure. Sed hoc uolumus et firmiter per hunc nostrum testamentum confirmamus quod nullo modo permaneat ipsa ordinatio in potestate alicuius persone neque de episcopo neque de preposito neque de ullo canonico uel clerico nec etiam de laico. nisi sicut supra legitur in Dei omnipotentis et sequente eo fiat, sicut a nobis per hoc nostrum testamentum supra est confirmatum. et hic subtus fuerit adnexum. idem permaneat eadem curtis cum sua pertinentia in usu et sumptu seu refectione presbiterorum. diaconorum. subdiaconorum. acolitorum. sicut per hebdomadam in hebdomadam se mutauerint prefati canonici ad Deo sacrificandum et subministrandum. ut usum et sumptum habeant per prebendam. In alio usu uel sumptu ipsa uictualia uel fructus. que de eadem corte exierint nullo modo sint dispensati uel dati. Quod si contingerit ut quelibet persona magna, uel parua hanc nostram uoluntatem et ordinationem que supra legitur. uiolare presumpserit. uolumus et per hoc nostrum testamentum confirmamus. ut tunc continuo deueniat eiusdem cortis que supra legitur. in nostra potestate . quorum supra adelrici episcopi et mainfredi marchionis seu Bertani comitisse si nos uiui fuerimus uel duo aut unus . quamdiu in hoc seculo unus fuerit ex nobis, et post nostrum omnium decessum ad usum de propinquioribus parentibus nostris. qui tunc temporis apparuerint. non in proprietate sed in gubernatione et defensione . et tamdiu in nostra seu in eorum persistat potestate quamdiu illa que hoc perpetrauerit. uolente nolenteque nostram uoluntatem que supra legitur implere dimittat. Et sicut dictum habemus a presenti die et hora eumdem Deum creatorem nostrum heredem constituimus et . . . . . legem ad Deum facimus traditionem et inuestituram. et cultellum . et festucam nodatum. uuantonem. et per uuasonem terre atque per ramum arboris. facientes illos personas quorum pro obedienti.... prefatorum canonicorum ad requirendum et excolendum frugum uel censum seu debitum fuerint ordinatis ad utilitatem iam dictis canonicis quidquid uoluerint tam pro anime nostre quorum supra adelrici et Mainfredi marchionis atque Bertani cometisse. tam pro patribus et genitricibus quam pro. fratribus et sororibus seu omnibus fidelibus et defunctis mercede. et de hec omnia quesupra legitur . adimplend.. creator omnium constituimus in hunc nostrum testamentum heredem esse nostrum iam dictum est ad usum et sumptum eorum canonicorum sicut fuerint per hebdomadam. in eo modo. in quo supra declaratum est. Damus et confirmamus et . . . . uenta sunt uidere nequimus. in quantum possumus obbligationem facimus. Si quis uero. quod futurum esse non credimus. si nos quorum supra adelrici episcopi et iugalium quod absit aut ullus de heredibus nostris ac proheredibus opposita persona contra hunc nostrum testamentum eo ire quandoque temptauerimus aut eam per quoduis ingenium frangere quesierimus tunc inferamus ad illas partes contra quem exinde litem intulerit. m..uncias centum, argenti pondera duocenti . et que repetierimus uendicare non ualeamus. sed presens hunc nostrum testamentum diuturnis temporibus firmum stabilitumque permaneat atque per ..stipulatione subnixa. Insuper iam dictas res in duplum, sicut pro tempore fuerint meliorata aut ualuerint sub estimacione in consimili loco . et prohonore sacerdotii mei qui supra Al .. ullo tempore nolle quod uolui. sed quod a me semel factum nel conscriptum est inuiolabiliter conseruare promitto con stipulatione subnixa et bergamena cum atramentario notarii et iudici sacri palatii hunc testamentum tradauimus ad scribendum et ei scribe rogauimus in qua subter confirmantibus testibus obtulimus roborandum. Unde duo testa ..Actum infra hanc taurinensem ciuitatem feliciter. + Alricus gratia Dei episcopus subscripsit. + Hoc est signum iamdicti domni Mainfredi marchionis qui hunc testamentum fieri rogauit. et eidem coniugis sue Bertani cometisse consensit ut supra. + Signum manus iste domne Bertane comitisse que hunc testamentum fieri rogauit ut supra. Signum + manus Girberti lege uiuente rom .. Signum +++ manibus Hudoni et Pepini sei Bosoni lege uiuentes salica testes. Signum +++ manibus Odoni .. + Eribaldus iudex sacri palatii lege uiuente romana rogatus subscripsi. Ego qui supra Herenzo notarius et iudex sacri palatii scriptor hunc testamentum post traditum ..

Historical context:

Countess Bertha, with her husband, Oldric Manfred, and his brother bishop Aldric of Asti, give the court of St. Dalmazzo with its fruits and income to the canonry of the Saviour of Turin.

Scholarly notes:

1. These are traditional symbolic objects handed over at the transfer of property. I am grateful to Adam Kosto for this explanation. 2. This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Manuscript source:

Archivio delta Metropolitana di Torino. (L. C.)

Printed source:

Historiae Patriae Monumenta, (Augustae Taurinorum ex Officina Regia: 1853), Chartarum T.I,, c.472-75, doc.274.


1028, July 1



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