A letter from Ermessend


Ermessend of Melgueil



Translated letter:

In the year 1176 from the Lord’s incarnation, in the reign of Louis king of the Franks, 3rd nones of November, in the presence of the lord R. of Arenis, cardinal deacon of the Holy Roman church, by title, of St. Mary in the Broad-way, and of lord bishop A. of Nîmes, was published the testament or last will of countess Ermessend of Melgueil, by deposition of sworn witnesses, namely:  Drachoneti, William of Sparrono, Isnard of Mormoirono, Pons Jauger, Ripert of Le Puy, William Peter of Brantol, Peter William of Albarros, Pons Roger, Jordan priest, William Roger. – Indeed the above-written witnesses swore, having touched the holy Gospels, and been admonished under oath they said that in their presence, having been asked and convoked, in their hearing, the said countess of Melgueil left to her mother Beatrice two thousand solidos, each year, as long as she lived; and she left 1000 solidos for her soul.  All her remaining goods and rights she left to her lord R. duke of Narbonne, count of Toulouse, marquis of Provence, and his son Raymond, her husband.  This was done in the above-written year, in the month of September, in the castle of Malaucène.  – To these the priest Jordan, William Roger, Peter Girald, Dranchonet son of Drachoneti, William of Pons, Rostaing Martel, Ralph advocate and chancellor, under oath, having touched the holy Gospels, vouched and deposed that the aforesaid Ermessende, countess of Melgueil, in their presence, confirming and acknowledging the above-written deposition, ordered thus by her supremacy:  “the county of Melgueil and all my rights I leave and give to my lord Raymond, duke of Narbonne, count of Toulouse, marquis of Provence, and to his son Raymond; to my mother, I leave two thousand solidos, each year, as long as she lives, and 1000 solidos for my soul; and I ask you that you give witness to this as needed.  And so that this donation, bequest, or last will may be firm perpetually, I swear, having touched the holy Gospels, that I shall never revoke the above-written last will or donation.”  --  This publication was done in the presence of Raymond Bedoc, Gontard advocate, Guiscard William, scholar, Betrand Bedoc, Folcodi, William Mote, B. Ato viscount of Nîmes, Gerald Imbert, Peter of Bernitio, Peter Bertrand, bishop Bernard, Bernard of Paragio, Bertrand Ripert, William Bruno, Peter Hugo of Volubrica, William Hugo his brother, Raymond Rascati, Elisiar of Ucetia, William Arbert of Cabreria, William of Radon, Bernard Lambert, Peter Guersi, Bermond of Vidinobrio, Berengar of Mairois, Guy of Seveirac, Raymond of Bocoiran, Stephen of Calcliacio, Bermond of Sauve, Bertrand Guio, Rostaing Malisanguinis, Guezelin, Bernard of Joholon, Peter Bernard of Arenis, Bertrand Meta, Peter Imbert of St. Bonito, judge of Avignon, Gerald of St. Martin.  --  Therefore, I R of Arenis, cardinal deacon of the holy Roman church, and I A., bishop of Nîmes, have ordered and had fortified by our seals the page of this publication, that all that is written above was sworn, testified, and published in our presence, to perpetual and sincere faith of what was done.  – I Raymond Bodo notary was present in all the above and wrote, completed, gave, and handed over the page of this publication.  (Sign of the notary).


Original letter:

Anno ab incarnatione Domini m. c. lxxvi, reg­nante Lodoyco Francorum rege, III. nonas novembris, in presentia domini R. de Arenis, sancte Romane ecclesie diaconi cardinalis titulo Sancte Marie in Via-lata, et domini A. Nemausensis episcopi, publicatum fuit testamentum seu ultima voluntas Ermensinde comitisse Melgorii, per depositiones testium juratorum, scilicet: Drachoneti, Willelmi de Sparrono, Isnardi de Mormoirono, Poncii Jaugerii, Riperti de Podio, Willelmi Petri de Brantol, Petri Guillelmi de Albarros, Pontii Rogerii, Jordani sacerdotis, Willelmi Rogerii. —Juraverunt siquidem suprascripti testes, tactis sacrosanctis Evangeliis, et sub jurejurando comoniti dixerunt quod, sub eorum presentia, eis ad hoc rogatis, convocatis et audientibus, prefata comitissa Melgorii reliquit matri sue Beatrici duo milia solidorum, in annos singulos, quamdiu viveret; et pro anima sua reliquit M. solidos. Reliqua  bona et omnia jura sua reliquit domino suo R. duci Narbone, comiti Tholose, marchioni Provincie, et filio ejus Raimundo marito suo. Hoc autem factum fuit anno suprascripto, in mense septembri, in castro Malaucene. — Ad hec Jordanus sacerdos, Willelmus Rogerius, Petrus Guiraldus, Drachonetus Drachoneti filius, Willelmus de Ponte, Rostagnus Martel, Radulfus causidicus et cancellarius, sub jurejurando, quod, tactis sacrosanctis Evangeliis, super hac re prestiterant, depositerunt quod prefata Ermensinda, comitissa Melgorii, sub eorumdem presentia, suprascriptam dispositionem suam confirmans et agnoscens, ita suprema sua ordinavit: «comitatum Melgorii et omnia jura mea domino meo Raimundo duci Narbone, comiti Tholose, marchioni Provincie, et filio ejus Raimundo relinquo et dono; matri mee duo milia solidorum, in annos singulos, quamdiu vixerit, relinquo, et M. solidos pro anima mea; et rogo vos ut super hac re, cum expedient, testimonium perhibeatis. Et ut hec donatio, relictum, seu ultima voluntas perpetuo firma sit, juro, tactis sacrosanctis Evangeliis, me nunquam su­prascriptam ultimam voluntatem seu donationem revocaturam.» — Facta fuit publicatio ista in pre­sentia Raymundi Bedocii, Gontardi causiti (corr. causidici), Guischardi Willelmi gramatici, Bertrandi Bedocii, Folcodii, Willelmi Mote, B. Atonis vice-comitis Nemausensis, Guiraldi Imberti, Petri de Bernitio, Petri Bertrandi, Bernardi episcopi, Bernardi de Paragio, Bertrandi Riperti, Willelmi Bruni, Petri Ugonis de Volubrica, Willelmi Ugonis fratris ejus, Raimundi Rascatii, Elisiarii de Ucecia, Wil­lelmi Arberti de Cabreria, Willelmi de Radone, Bernardi Lamberti, Petri Guersi, Bermundi de Vidinobrio, Berengarii de Mairois, Gui de Seveiraco, Raimundi de Bocoirano, Stephani de Calcliacio, Bermundi de Salve, Bertrandi Guigonis, Rostagni Mali-sanguinis, Guezelini, Bernardi de Joholon, Petri Bernardi de Arenis, Bertrandi Meta, Petri Imberti de Sancto Bonito judicis de Avinione, Gui­raldi de Sancto Martino. — Ob hoc igitur ego R. de Arenis, sancte Romane ecclesie diachonus cardinalis, et ego A. Nemausensis episcopus, quia omnia sicut superius scripta sunt, sub nostra presentia jurata, testificata, et publicata fuerunt, ad perpetuam et sinceram gestorum fidem, presentis publicationis paginam sigillis nostris jussimus et fecimus comunire. — Ego Raymundus Bodonus notarius in omnibus suprascriptis interfui, et hujus publicationis paginam scripsi, complevi, dedi et tradidi. (Hic signaculum notarii.)

Historical context:

This is the will of the countess which confirms the agreement she made in the marriage contract, leaving Melgueil to her father-in-law and her husband, the counts of Toulouse, as her mother had arranged.

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.110-11, #268. 


1176, November 3



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