A grant of privileges


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ present and future who will look at the present letters, greetings in the savior of all.  We wish to bring to the notice of all by the content of these that when the church of St. Michael of Hánta which from the time of its foundation immediately pertained to reginal power, has been seriously weakened in their resources through the disasters of war time by the devastations of many things/people and fallen almost to the loss of all their power, as was made manifest to us by the true narration of the chapter of that church and of many others, we from the office of patronage wishing to look forward to a good state for that church of Hánta, as we are held [to do] lest in that church which flourished in past times, the agents of divine praise are suspended by the lack of temporal goods, our of reverence for St. Michael the archangel we have taken under our perpetual alms the whole assembly of the peoples of that church of Hánta as indicated at whatever time, namely of settlers and of others of whatever condition in the chapter of that church of Hánta.  Wishing that for the rest noone of the assemblies should act rashly or harm the settlers or people of that church in money or provisions by any rent/tax. Moreover we grant to the settlers and people of that church of Hánta that they are not held to stand in the presence of any judge unless they are particularly judged in our court, as the ancient freedom of that church requires.  For we wish that if anyone should wish to act against them, he should submit to judiciary order in our court with them.  We prohibit also and order strictly that noone of the counts barons and judges should presume to make violent attack on the peoples of our said church  of Hánta.  If there should be any transgressors of our command, let them feel they have gravely incurred royal and our indignation.  In memory and perpetual stability of which we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father Thomas, by the grace of God bishop of Vác, our faithful chancellor of our court in the 1282nd year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Elyzabetha Dei gratia regina Hungarie omnibus Christi fide[libus ta]m presentibus, quam futuris presentes litteras inspecturis salutem in omnium salvatore. Ad universorum notitiam harum serie volumus pervenire, quod cum ecclesia Beati Mychaelis de Hanta, que a tempore sue fundationis inmediate ad reginalem pertinuit potestatem, propter discrimina temporis inpacati per devastationes plurimorum in suis facultatibus graviter sit collapsa et fere ad exinanitionem virtutis extreme deventa, sicut ex veridica relatione capituli eiusdem ecclesie et aliorum quamplurium nobis constitit manifeste, nos ex officio patronatus ad bonum statum eiusdem ecclesie Hantensis, ut tenemur, prospicere volentes, ne in ipsa ecclesia, que floruit temporibus retroactis, propter defectum bonorum temporalium divine laudis organa suspendantur, ob reverentiam Beati Mychaelis archangeli totam collectam populorum eiusdem ecclesie Hantensis quocumque tempore indicendam, tam hospitum videlicet, quam aliorum cuiuscunque conditionis existant capitulo ipsius ecclesie Hantensis in perpetuam nostram elemosinam duximus conferendam. Volentes, ut de cetero nullus collectorum, nec denariorum videlicet seu victualium hospites sive populos ipsius ecclesie occasione collecte alicuius presumat vel debeat molestare. Ceterum concessimus hospitibus et populis eiusdem ecclesie Hantensis, quod in presentia nullius iudicis astare teneantur, nisi in nostra curia specialiter iudicentur, sicut antiqua libertas eiusdem ecclesie id requirit. Volumus enim, quod si qui agere voluerit contra ipsos, in curia nostra iudiciario ordine experiri debeant cum eisdem. Inhibemus insuper et districte precipimus, quod nullus borronum [!], comitum seu iudicum super populos prefate ecclesie nostre Hantensis descensum presumat facere violentum. Si qui autem transgressores mandati nostri extiterint, indignationem regiam et nostram sentient graviter incurrisse. In cuius rei memoriam et perpetuam firmitatem presentes concessimus litteras duplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus venerabilis patris Thome Dei gratia episcopi Waciensis, aule nostre cancellarii fidelis nostri anno Domini Mo CCo octuagesimo secundo.

Historical context:

The queen grants certain financial and juridical privileges, exemptions, to the church of Hánta which has suffered severely from the devastations of war. Cf. Zsoldos, The Árpáds, 29, 91, 105.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 127, #200.





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