
Written testimony about the Columbia Social Work online program for the New Jersey State Legislature's Senate Higher Education Committee public hearing about online degree offerings by institutions of higher education

Marquart, Matthea S.

This is the written testimony and accompanying handout for the New Jersey State Legislature’s Senate Higher Education Committee public hearing on February 25, 2020. The hearing topic was "The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests on online degree offerings by institutions of higher education."

The focus of the testimony was on three elements of how Columbia University’s School of Social Work runs its online Master of Science in Social Work program in-house: First, the quality of the education provided for online students; second, the quality of the overall experience provided for online students; and third, the interconnectedness of the online campus and New York City-based residential campus.

This testimony described the online program's model from 2015, when the program launched, through early 2020, when the hearing took place. Since that time, the program model has evolved.

The testimony is also available on the New Jersey State Legislature's website:


  • thumnail for Testimony and handout for the NJ Senate Higher Ed Committee re Columbia Social Work Online Program_Marquart_Feb 25 2020.pdf Testimony and handout for the NJ Senate Higher Ed Committee re Columbia Social Work Online Program_Marquart_Feb 25 2020.pdf application/pdf 191 KB Download File

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March 31, 2023


Marquart, M. (2020, February 25). Written testimony for the public hearing on the topic "The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests on online degree offerings by institutions of higher education." New Jersey State Legislature, Senate Higher Education Committee. (Appendix pp. 25-32).