
An integrated approach based on advanced CTG parameters and Doppler measurements for late growth restriction management

Esposito, Giuseppina; Pini, Nicolò; Tagliaferri, Salvatore; Campanile, Marta; Zullo, Fulvio; Magenes, Giovanni; Maruotti, Giuseppe M.; Signorini, Maria G.

The clinical diagnosis of late Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) involves the integration of Doppler ultrasound data and Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) monitoring through computer assisted computerized cardiotocography (cCTG). The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic power of combined Doppler and cCTG parameters by contrasting late FGR –and healthy controls.

The study was conducted from January 2018 to May 2020. Only pregnant women who had the last Doppler measurement obtained within 1 week before delivery and cCTG performed within 24 h before delivery were included in the study. Two hundred forty-nine pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study; 95 were confirmed as late FGR and 154 were included in the control group.

Among the extracted cCTG parameters, Delta Index, Short Term Variability (STV), Long Term Variability (LTV), Acceleration and Deceleration Phase Rectified Slope (APRS, DPRS) values were lower in the late FGR participants compared to the control group. In the FGR cohort, Delta, STV, APRS, and DPRS were found different when stratifying by MCA_PI (MCA_PI <5th centile or > 5th centile). STV and DPRS were the only parameters to be found different when stratifying by (UA_PI >95th centile or UA_PI <95th centile). Additionally, we measured the predictive power of cCTG parameters toward the identification of associated Doppler measures using figures of merit extracted from ROC curves.
The AUC of ROC curves were accurate for STV (0,70), Delta (0,68), APRS (0,65) and DPRS (0,71) when UA_PI values were > 95th centile while, the accuracy attributable to the prediction of MCA_PI was 0.76, 0.77, 0.73, and 0.76 for STV, Delta, APRS, and DPRS, respectively.
An association of UA_PI>95th centile and MCA_PI<5th centile with higher risk for NICU admission, was observed, while CPR < 5th centile resulted not associated with any perinatal outcome. Values of STV, Delta, APRS, DPRS were significantly lower for FGR neonates admitted to NICU, compared with the uncomplicated FGR cohort.

The results of this study show the contribution of advanced cCTG parameters and fetal Doppler to the identification of late FGR and the association of those parameters with the risk for NICU admission.

Trial registration
Retrospectively registered.


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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

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Published Here
September 22, 2023


Late fetal growth restriction, Doppler ultrasound data, Antepartum fetal heart rate monitoring, Computerized cardiotocography, Phase-rectified signal average