A letter from Innocent III, pope (1210)


Innocent III, pope


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

[Innocent, bishop, servant of the servants of God to his beloved daughter in Christ] the noble woman Blanche, countess of Champagne [greetings and apostolic benediction]. To the just desires of petitioners, it is fitting that we give easy consent and fulfill and carry out the wishes which are not inconsistent with the course of reason. Therefore, beloved daughter in Christ, concurring with pleased assent to your just requests, we confirm by apostolic authority and secure by the protection of the present writing the agreement reached between you and our dearest son in Christ Philip, illustrious king of the French over the custody of your son and the homage to be done by that son to that king, with certain other articles, as was done prudently and received willingly by each side and confirmed by oath, and is fully contained in authentic documents.[It is permitted to no one, therefore, of all men to break it or boldly oppose this page] of our confirmation. If any one should attempt to presume such, he should know he will incur the indignation of almighty God and the of blessed apostles Peter and Paul]. Dated at the Lateran, 10th kalends of December, 13th year.

Original letter:

[Innocentius episcopus, servus servorum Dei, dilecte in Xpisto filie] NOBILI MULIERI BLANCHAE COMITISSAE CAMPANIAE[salutem et apostolicam benedictionem]. Justis petentium desideriis dignum est nos facilem praebere consensum, et vota quae a rationis tramite non discordant effectu prosequente complere. Eapropter, dilecta in Christo filia, tuis justis postulationibus grato concurrentes assensu, compositionem inter te ac charissimum in Christo filium nostrum Philippum regem Francorum illustrem super cutodia nati tui, et ab ipso nato eidem regi hominio faciendo, et quibusdam aliis articulis initam, sicut provide facta est et ab utraque parte sponte recepta et juramento firmata, et in authenticis exinde confectis plenius continetur, auctoritate apostolica confirmamus et praesentis scripti patrocinio communimus. Nulli ergo, (etc.)[omnium hominum liceat hanc paginam] nostrae confirmationis,[infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire]. Si quis autem, (etc.)[hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum ejus se noverit] (usque) incursum. Datum Laterani, X Kal. Decembris, anno tertio decimo.

Historical context:

The pope lends his support and protection to the agreement reached in 1209 between the king of France and Blanche over her regency and her son’s homage, a recognition of his legitimacy as heir. The standard formula at the end of the letter is abbreviated in the PL text. I have added the omitted words from the Layettes du Tresor text in brackets.

Printed source:

PL 216, c.350, 13th year of pontificate, ep.180; same text in HGF 19.536; Layettes du Tresor des Chartes (Paris: Plon, 1863), 1.359, #945.





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