A letter from Marguerite of Provence (1278)


Marguerite of Provence


Edward I, king of England

Translated letter:

Very dear nephew, we praise God and you and all our friends for the good advice Jean de Greilly gave us at Mâcon in our need. So we beg you to send him to us again to help us in this need. For he is much loved and feared in the country. Fair nephew, the king of Germany is taking pains to distress the count of Savoy, our uncle, burning his land and seizing his men. So we beg you to work for a peace or good truce between them and that you delay, if it please you, the marriage of the son of the king of Germany and your daughter until peace or a truce has been made between them. We inform you that we were healthy, thank God, when these letters were composed. We desire always to hear the same of you. So we beg you to let us know your state whenever you have the opportunity.

Original letter:

Très chiers niés, nous nos louons à Dieu et à vos et à tous nos amis du bon lue que mesire Jahans de Greilly nos a tenu à Mascon an nostre besoigne. Si vos prions que vos le nos voelliés ranvoier pur nos aider an ceste besoigne. Car il est mout amés et créus en païs. Biaus niés, li rois d’Alemaigne s’enforce mout de grever le conte de Savoie, nostre oncle, come cil qui li fet arder se terre et prendre ses homes. Si vos prions que vos voeilliés trevallier c’une pais ou bone triève fust entre aus, et que vos delaissés, se il vos plais, et qui li mariages du fil du roi d’Alemaigne et de vostre fille ne se accomplist jusque tant que pais fust fete ou triève pris entr’aus. Nos vos faisons assavoir que nos estions saines de cors, Dié merci, quant ces lettres furent fetes. Ce que nos desirrons tousjors savoir de vos. Si vos prions que vos nos faciés assavoir vostre estat toutes les fois que vos serés aaisié.

Historical context:

The dowager queen asks her nephew to delay the proposed marriage between his daughter, Joan, and Hartman, the son of Rudolph of Hapsburg. The marriage never took place. Jean de Grailly was one of Edward I's officials in Gascony. The letter is in French.

Printed source:

Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et D'Angleterre, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839), 1.209, ep.163





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