Genealogy: Charlemagne

Table 1: Descendants of Hildegard and Charlemagne

Charlemagne king of the Franks and Lombards and Emperor b. 748, d. 814
+Hildegard of the Vinzgau b. 754, d. 783
|---Pepin/Carloman king of Italy b. 777, d. 810
|   |---Bernard king of Italy b. 797, d. 818
|       |---Pepin count of Vermandois b. Cir 817, d. After 850
|           |---Herbert I count of Vermandois b. 848-850, d. 907
|               |---Beatrice of Vermandois b. 880, d. After 931
|                   +Robert I king of West Francia b. Cir 866, d. 923
|                   |---Hugh the Great Duke of the French d. 956
|                       +Hedvig of Germany
|                       |---Beatrice countess/duke of Upper Lorraine
|                       |   +Frederic I of Upper Lorraine d. 978
|                       |   |---Dieterich/Theoderic Duke of Upper Lorraine
|                       |       +Richilde Duchess of Upper Lorraine d. Bef 995
|                       |       |---Frederick II of Upper Lorraine d. 1026
|                       |           +Matilda of Swabia(**)
|                       |---Otto Duke of Burgundy d. 965
|                       |---Hugh Capet Duke of the Franks, King of France d. 996
|                       |   +Adelaide of Aquitaine
|                       |   |---Robert II the Pious King of France d. 1031
|                       |       +Rozala of Italy countess of Flanders and queen of France d. 1003
|                       |       +Bertha of Burgundy Queen of France
|                       |       +Constance of Provence d. 1032
|                       |       |---Hugh of France d. 1025
|                       |       |---Henry I King of France d. 1060
|                       |       |   +Anne of Kiev d. 1075
|                       |       |---Adela/Adelaide countess of Flanders d. 1079(**)
|                       |       |   +Richard III of Normandy d. 1027
|                       |       |   +Baldwin V Count of Flanders d. 1067
|                       |       |---Robert Duke of Burgundy d. 1076
|                       |           +Helie of Semur
|                       |---Henry Duke of Burgundy d. 1002
|                       |---Emma of France d. 962
|                           +Richard I of Normandy Count of Rouen d. 996
|---Louis I the Pious king of the Franks and Emperor b. 778, d. 840
    +Ermengarde of Hesbaye Empress and queen of the Franks b. Cir 778, d. Cir 818
    |---Lothair I king of Middle Francia and Italy and Emperor b. 795, d. 855
    |   +Ermengard of Tours Empress b. 800, d. 851
    |   |---Louis II of Italy Emperor b. 825, d. 875
    |   |   +Angelberga of Italy Empress d. 896-901
    |   |   |---Ermengard queen of Provence
    |   |       +Boso of Vienne king of Provence
    |   |---Bertha abbess of Avenay
    |   |---Lothair II king of Lotharingia b. 835, d. 869
    |       +Theutberga queen of Lotharingia d. 875
    |       +Waldrada
    |---Pepin king of Aquitaine b. 797, d. 838
    |---Louis the German king of East Francia b. Cir 806, d. 876
        +Emma of Altdorf
        |---Carloman king of Bavaria b. 829, d. 880
        |   |---Arnulf of Carinthia king of East Francia, king of Italy, and Emperor b. Cir 850, d. 899
        |       +Ota
        |       |---Louis the Child king of East Francia and Lotharingia b. 893, d. 911
        |       +Vingburga
        |       |---Zwentibold king of Lotharingia b. Cir 870, d. 900
        |   +Berthold I count palatine of Swabia b. 838, d. 896
        |   |---Cunigunde of Swabia queen of Germany b. Cir 878, d. 918
        |       +Conrad I king of Germany b. 881, d. 918
        |---Louis the Younger king of Saxony and Bavaria d. 882
        |---Charles III the Fat Emperor b. 839, d. 888
            +Richardis of Alsace d. 894-896
    +Judith of Bavaria Empress b. 797, d. 843
    |---Gisela b. 820
    |   +Eberhard duke of Friuli b. Cir 815, d. 867
    |   |---Unruoch III margrave of Friuli b. Cir 840, d. 874
    |   |---Berengar I king of Italy and Emperor b. Cir 845, d. 924
    |       +Bertila of Spoleto queen of Italy and Empress b. Cir 860, d. 915
    |       |---Gisela of Friuli margravine of Ivrea b. Cir 876, d. After 912
    |           +Adalbert I margrave of Ivrea d. After 929
    |           |---Berengar II of Ivrea king of Italy b. Cir 900, d. 966
    |               +Willa of Tuscany
    |               |---Rozala of Italy countess of Flanders and queen of France d. 1003
    |                   +Arnulf II count of Flanders b. 960-961, d. 987
    |                   |---Baldwin IV count of Flanders d. 1035
    |                       +Ogive of Luxemburg countess of Flanders b. Cir 995, d. 1030
    |                       |---Baldwin V Count of Flanders d. 1067
    |                           +Adela/Adelaide countess of Flanders d. 1079(**)
    |                           |---Baldwin VI Count of Flanders d. 1070
    |                           |---Matilda of Flanders Queen of England d. 1083
    |                           |   +William I “the Conqueror" King of England b. 1028, d. 1087
    |                           |---Robert I the Frisian Count of Flanders d. 1092-1093
    |                       +Eleanor of Normandy d. 107
    |                   +Robert II the Pious King of France d. 1031
    |---Charles the Bald king of West Francia and Italy and Emperor b. 823, d. 877
        +Ermentrud of Orleans queen of the Franks b. 823, d. 869
        |---Judith of Flanders queen of Wessex and margravine of Flanders b. Cir 843, d. Cir 870
        |   +Aethelwulf king of Wessex d. 858
        |   +Aethelbald king of Wessex d. 860
        |   +Baldwin I margrave of Flanders d. 879
        |   |---Baldwin II margrave of Flanders b. Cir 865, d. 918
        |       +Aelfthryth of Wessex
        |       |---Arnulf I count of Flanders b. 893-899, d. 964
        |       |   +Alix of Vermandois countess of Flanders b. 910, d. 960
        |       |   |---Baldwin III count of Flanders b. Cir 940, d. 962
        |       |       +Matilda of Saxony countess of Flanders and Verdun d. 1008
        |       |       |---Arnulf II count of Flanders b. 960-961, d. 987
        |       |           +Rozala of Italy countess of Flanders and queen of France d. 1003
        |       |           |---Baldwin IV count of Flanders d. 1035
        |       |               +Ogive of Luxemburg countess of Flanders b. Cir 995, d. 1030
        |       |               |---Baldwin V Count of Flanders d. 1067
        |       |                   +Adela/Adelaide countess of Flanders d. 1079(**)
        |       |               +Eleanor of Normandy d. 1071
        |       |---Adelolf count of Boulogne d. 933
        |---Louis II the Stammerer king of Aquitaine and West Francia b. 846, d. 879
        |   +Ansgarde of Burgundy queen of Aquitaine d. 880-882
        |   |---Louis III king of West Francia b. 863-865, d. 882
        |   |---Carloman II king of West Francia b. Cir 866, d. 884
        |   +Adelaide of Paris queen of West Francia b. 850-853, d. 901
        |   |---Charles III the Simple king of West Francia b. 879, d. 929
        |       +Eadgifu of Wessex
        |       |---Louis IV Outremer King of France d. 954
        |           +Gerberga of Germany Queen of France d. 984
        |           |---Lothair King of France d. 986
        |           |   +Emma of Italy d. After 987
        |           |   |---Louis V King of France d. 987
        |           |---Charles of Lower Lorraine/Lotharingia d. Abt 992
        |           |---Matilda of France d. 981-982
        |               +Conrad I of Burgundy d. 993
        |               |---Gisela of Burgundy d. 1007
        |               |   +Henry II the Wrangler d. 995
        |               |   |---Henry II Emperor b. 973, d. 1024
        |               |       +Cunigunde of Luxemburg Empress d. 1040
        |               |---Rudolf III King of Burgundy d. 1032
        |               |   +Ermengarde of Savoy queen of Burgundy
        |               |---Gerberga of Burgundy d. 1018-1019
        |               |   +Herman II Duke of Swabia d. 1003
        |               |   |---Matilda of Swabia(**)
        |               |   |   +Frederick II of Upper Lorraine d. 1026
        |               |   |   |---Beatrice of Lorraine, duke of Tuscany
        |               |   |   |   +Boniface margrave of Tuscany d. 1052
        |               |   |   |   +Godfrey II the Bearded duke of Upper and Lower Lorraine b. Cir 997, d. 1069
        |               |   |   |---Sophia countess of Bar d. 1093
        |               |   |   |   +Louis of Montbeliard
        |               |   |   |---Frederick III duke of Upper Lorraine and count of Bar d. 1033
        |               |   |---Gisela of Swabia d. 1043
        |               |       +Conrad II Emperor d. 1039
        |               |       |---Henry III Emperor d. 1056
        |               |           +Kunegund of England d. 1038
        |               |           +Agnes of Poitiers (Aia) d. 1077
        |               |---Bertha of Burgundy Queen of France
        |                   +Odo I count of Blois d. 996
        |                   |---Odo II count of Blois b. 983, d. 1037
        |                       |---Thibaut III count of Blois b. 1012, d. 1089
        |                           +Gersent of Le Mans
        |                           +Adele of Valois
        |                   +Robert II the Pious King of France d. 1031
        |---Charles the Child
        |---Lothar abbot of Saint-Germain
        |---Rotrud/Hildegard Nun
        |---Ermentrud/Gisela Nun
        +Richild of Lotharingia queen of West Francia and Empress b. Cir 845, d. 910
        |---Rothilde of West Francia b. 871, d. 928-929