A letter from Gregory VII, pope (1074, January 3)


Gregory VII, pope


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine

Translated letter:

Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to Matilda, maiden of exceptional character, greetings and apostolic blessing. The serenity of your letters directed to the apostolic see testify that your prompt goodness shows that same love for the prince of the apostles St. Peter that St. Paul, chosen vessel to our lord Jesus Christ, his coapostle, was zealous to preserve with most fervent love to his death. For that we are filled with an immensity of joy and give thanks as we can to almighty God. But your prudence will know that work undertaken with honest and religious beginnings becomes more honest with perseverance and with the help of God is most religous in its consummation. For which reason if it happens that your glorious mother comes back to Rome at this time, we suggest with all our heart, indeed we ask your glory to come with her to visit the apostles, unless perhaps some necessity should keep you back. Moreover to the letters which we received on the 4th Kalends of January in your name, we trust we have answered as seemed fitting to us through our legate. May the mercy of almighty God which continually surrounds and protects his faithful deign to keep you with his kindness and after the course of this life place your soul in the ethereal kingdom. Rome, 3rd Nones of January.

Original letter:

Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei Mathildi egregie indolis puelle salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Quia serenitatis vestre littere apostolice sedi directe eandem testate sunt dilectionem principi apostolorum beatissimo Petro bonitatem tuam promptam esse exhibere, quam Iesu Christo domino nostro vas electionis sanctus Paulus coapostolus eius usque ad mortem ferventissimo amore studuit conservare, gaudii repleti inmensitate omnipotenti Deo quas possumus reddimus grates. Sed noverit prudentia vestra honestis inceptis religiosisque inchoationibus opus esse honestiori perseverantia atque Deo opitulante religiosissima consummatione. Quapropter si contigerit gloriosam matrem vestram hoc tempore Romam redire, toto corde ammonemus immo rogamus claritatem vestram ad visitationem apostolorum cum eadem venire, nisi forte aliquid instet, quod vos non pretermittenda necessitate detineat. Preterea litteris quas IIII Kalendas Ianuarii nomine vestro suscepimus, quod nobis visum est congruum, iam per nostrorum apicum legationem respondisse confidimus. Omnipotentis Dei misericordia, qui fideles suos iugiter circundate et protegit, assidua vos benignitate dignetur custodire atque post huius vite cursum animam tuam ethereo regno componere. Data Rome III Nonas Ianuarii, Indictione XII.

Historical context:

Gregory responds with enthusiasm to one letter from Matilda and tells her his legate was sent with the answer to another (neither extant); he encourages her to visit Rome when her mother next comes.

Printed source:

Register Gregors VII, MGH, EpSel, ed. Erich Caspar, ep.1.40


1074, January 3



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