2008 Data (Information)
Data for: Scaling the Bubble Penetration Depth in the Ocean
Data from downward looking ADCP deployed during the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment (SO GasEx) in 2008 in the southern portion of the Atlantic Ocean. The ADCP corresponds to an RDI 1200 KHz ADCP used to measure vertical profiles of 3-axis velocity over 20 m of water column with a blanking distance of 0.44 m and the first bin at 0.8 m from the instrument head. Profiles have 74 bins with a cell size of 25 cm. ADCP measurements are reported relative to the surface at approximately 1.5 m in a wave-following frame of reference. The data serves as complement to the paper Scaling the Bubble Penetration Depth in the Ocean (submitted to JGR Oceans) and contains the recorded ADCP backscattering intensity reported in “counts”. Intensity was used to derive bubble plume penetration depths analyzed in perspective of physical forcing and used to derive a parameterization of bubble penetration depths driven by wave breaking. The full program is stored and available at: https://www.bco-dmo.org/project/2064 and contains physical, biogeochemical and biological observations made during the field campaign.
Geographic Areas
- SOGasEx_adcp_Intens.zip application/zip 124 MB Download File
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Ocean and Climate Physics
- Published Here
- July 26, 2023