A letter from Marguerite


Marguerite of Geneva


Officials of Savoy

Translated letter:

I, M[arguerite], countess and marchioness in Italy, to all our barons, provosts/officials, and bailiffs to whom these letters will come, greetings and all good. Since whatever we have of dignity, rank, and power we believe and confess was conferred on us by the grace of divine mercy, it is worthy that we be zealous to defend all who wish to live piously in Christ and particularly those who are within our dominion, from all harm against all men for our salvation and that of our people; whence, since we particularly love the house and brothers of Arvières of the Carthusian order and we put faith in the lord from their love, we take their things and sheep and household and friends and those coming to them and going back into the duchy, under our protection, commanding you and ordering by command that none of you harm them; but rather each protect and defend them from all injury and vexation, and restore without delay any of their things that were violently taken for no reason, and we wish this to be firmly observed by all of you so that you may be worthy to receive eternal mercy from the lord and our love and grace. 

Original letter:

Ego M. Comitissa, & Marchionissa in Italia, omnibus Baronibus, Praespostis, & Ballijs nostris ad quoscumque litterae istae pervenerint, Salutem, & omne bonum.  Quoniam quicquid dignitatis, honoris, & potestatis habemus, Divinae miserationis gratia, nobis collatum esse credimus, & confitemur; dignum est ut omnes qui in Christo pie vivere volunt, & maxime eos, qui in Dominio nostro sunt, pro salute nostra, & nostrorum, totis viribus ab omni molestia defendere studeamus:  unde quia Domum, & Fratres Alveriae ordinis Cartusiae specialiter diligimus, & de eorum dilectione in Domino fiduciam gerimus, Res, & pecora, & familiam, & amicos ipsorum ad eos venientes, & inde revertentes in Ducatu, & custodia nostra suscepimus, vobis mandantes, & mandando praecipientes, quatenus nullus ex vobis eis iniuriosus existat; sed unusquisque potius ab omni iniuria, & vexatione aliorum, eos protegat, & defendat, & res sibi violenter ablatas, omni remota occasione, sine mora restitui faciat, & hoc firmiter a vobis omnibus volumus observari, ut aeternam mercedem a Domino consequi valeatis, & amore nostro, & gratia digni sitis.

Historical context:

The countess affirms her protection of the Carthusian house of Arvières  and tells her officials to defend and not to harm them.

Printed source:

Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye  v.2 Preuves, p.56.





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