A letter from Isabella


Amalric II, king of Jerusalem
Isabella of Jerusalem


Brothers of the hospital of St. Mary of the Teutons

Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity, father, son and holy spirit.  Amen.  Be it known to all present and future that I, Aymeric by the grace of God ninth king of the Latins of Jerusalem and king of Cyprus, with the grant and will of lady Isabella my wife, venerable queen, daughter of the former illustrious king Amalric, sold and gave for two thousand three hundred Sarracen besants to you, brothers of the hospital of the church of St. Mary of the Teutons and the sick a certain village situated in the territory of Acre which is called Lebassa, with all its appurtenances and uncultivated land with all its territory, which is called Missop, which on that day was a town.  Which said village with all its appurtenances and the named uncultivated land, as was divided above, as John  my marshal and my men divided the land of said village and said uncultivated land by my order and set the boundaries, you may have and hold freely and in perpetuity.  That this my sale and gift remain in force and undisturbed in eternity, I have ordered the present charter to be protected by my seal and the subscribed witnesses.  Witnesses of this thing are count Bertodus; Bertodus, his son; Reynald of Sidon; Azemar of Caesarea, John of Ibelin, royal constable; Terricus of Orca; Baldwin of Bethsan; John, royal marshal; Vilanus of Alnetho; Terricus of Teneromonte; Garterius of Eissem; William of Petra; Muissardus; Adam Coste.  This was done in the 1200th year from the incarnation of the lord, in the month of October.  Given by the hand of lord Jocius, archbishop of Tyre and chancellor of the kingdom.


Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis, patris, filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. Notum sit omnibus presentibus atque futuris, quod ego Aymericus dei gratia rex Ierusalem Latinorum nonus et rex Cypri, concessione et voluntate domine Ysabellis uxoris mee, venerabilis regine, quondam illustris regis Amalrici filie, vendidi et dedi pro duobus milibus et trecentis bisanciis sarracenatis vobis, fratribus hospitalis ecclesie sancte Marie Alemannorum et infirmis quoddam casale in territorio Ackon situm, quod vocatur Lebassa, cum omnibus suis pertinenciis et unam gastinam cum omni territorio suo, que vo­catur Missop, que illa die erat gastina. Quod casale predictum cum omnibus suis pertinenciis et gastinam prenominatam, sicut superius divisum est, libere et imperpetuum habeatis et teneatis, sicut Iobannes marescalcus meus et ho­mines mei precepto meo eiusdem predicti casalis et dicte gastine terram diviserunt et terminos posuerunt. Ut autem hec mea venditio et donatio rata in eternum et inconcussa permaneat, presentem cartam sigillo meo et testibus subscriptis precepi communiri. Huius rei testes sunt comes Bertodus; Bertodus eius filius; Rainaldus Sydonie; Azemarus Cesariensis, Iohannes de Ybellino, regis conestabilis; Terricus de Orca; Balduinus de Bethsan; Iohannes, regius marescalcus; Vilanus de Alnetho; Terricus de Tenero monte; Garterius de Eissem; Willelmus de Petra; Muissardus; Adam Coste. Factum est hoc anno ab incarnatione domini m° cc° mense octobri. Datum per manuum domini Iocii Tyrensis archiepiscopi regnique cancellarii.

Historical context:

With the consent of his wife, Amalric sells the brothers of the hospital a village and undeveloped land.

Printed source:

Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici:  Ex tabularii Regii Berolinensis Codice Potissimum, ed. Ernestus Strehlke (Berlin:  Weidman, 1869), 30-31, #38.





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