A letter from Sancia, countess


Sancia, countess


Almodis of La Marche
Raymond Berengar I

Translated letter:

I, countess Sancia, swear to you, lord Raymond, count of Barcelona, and lady Almodis, countess, that from this hour forward, I shall be faithful to you by righteous faith on  your life and all the members that are held in your bodies, and for that whole honor which you have today and will acquire from now on, God granting, through my counsel.  And, if there is any man or woman who might take all said things from you or anything from all the aforesaid, I shall be an aid to you to hold and defend and fight for all said things without deception against all men and women who took all said from you or anything from all the aforesaid, except the count of Besalu, as best I can, without any deception.

Also I swear to you that I shall not make an agreement with the count of Urgell, son of the late count Ermengald, nor with any brother of his nor with his sister, over any profit for those castles and lands and towns and honor and those authorities and rules which I have with whatever authority and ought to have in the whole county of Urgell, that is, those towns of St. Lidinia and Olius and Bioscha and Ponts and Tolan and Conchas and Madians and that honor of Guitard William without your counsel and will.  And of all this said honor, I shall not agree nor make any determination with said count of Urgell nor with any brother of his nor with his sister, nor with any man or woman, if you have not released me by your gracious spirits and oath before two or three of your good men; and if I do make any determination or agreement over all said things with any man or woman, I shall make that determination and agreement at your counsel and will.  And when you wish that I make determination or agreement over all said things, I shall do that determination or agreement in the manner that you would wish and counsel me.  As is written above, so I, said countess Sancia, shall hold and keep to it with you, said count and countess without any trick and without fraud and evil artifice and without any deception, to my knowledge.  By God and these holy things.

Original letter:

Iuro ego Sancia comitissa vobis, domno Raimundo, Barchinonensis comiti, et domne Almodis comitisse, quod ab [h]ac ora et deincebs fidelis ero vobis per directam fidem de vestra vita et de omnibus membris que se tenent in corporibus vestris, et de toto illo honore quem hodie abetis et deincebs adquisieritis, dante Deo, per meum consilium. Et, si est aliquis homo vel femina qui tollat vobis predicta omnia aut aliquid de predictis omnibus, adiutor ero vobis a tenere et ad defendere et ad guerregare iam dicta omnia sine vestro engan contra cunctos homines et feminas qui tulerint vobis iam dicta omnia aut aliquid de dictis omnibus, excepto Bisuldinensi comiti, sicut melius potuero, sine ullo vostro engan.

Item, iuro vobis quod non concordavero cum Urgellensi comite, filio qui fuit Ermengaudi comitis, nec cum ullo suo fratre nec cum sua sorore ad ullum illorum profectum de ipsos castellos et terras et villas et honorem et de ipsas voces et directos quas abeo qualicumque voce et debeo abere in omni comitatu Urgellensi, id est, de ipso castro de Sancta Lidinia et de ipso castro de Olius et de ipso de Bioscha et de ipso de Ponts et de ipso de Tolan et de ipso de Conchas et de ipso castro de Madians et de ipsa onore de Guitardo Guilielmi sine vestro consilio et voluntate. Et de tota ista supradicta, honore non concordavero nec fecero ullum placitum cum iam dicto Urgellensi comite nec cum ullo suo fratre nec cum ulla sua sorore nec cum ullo alio homine vel femina, si vos non absolvitis me vestris gradientibus animis et sacramento quoram duobus aut tribus de vestris bonis hominibus; et si facio ullum placitum aut concordamentum de iam dicta omnia cum ullo homine vel femina, fecero ipsum placitum et concordamentum ad vestrum consilium et voluntatem. Et quando volueritis ut ego faciam placitum aut concordamentum de predicta omnia, fecero tunc ipsum placitum aut concordamentum de ipsa gisa quod vos volueritis aut consiliaveritis mihi. Sicut superius scriptum est, si o tenre et o atendre ego iam dicta Sancia comitissa vobis, predictis comite et comitissa, sine ullo vestro engan et sine fraude et malo ingenio et sine ulla vestra decepcione, me sciente. Per Deum et hec sancta.

Historical context:

Oath made by countess Sancia to the count and countess for various towns of Urgell.

Printed source:

LFM 1.155, #154.  





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