A letter from Alix of Vergy (1221/1220, March)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to all that when there was a disagreement between the Cistercians on one side and lord Gerard of Franxault on the other over lands which men hold between the boundaries of that part of the territory of Lastrecy which part was assigned to the Cistercians by said knight as is contained in a document sealed with my seal, and over the tithes of said part of the territory of Lastrecy assigned to said knight, which tithes and which lands said knight sought to be guaranteed by the Cistercians because of the agreement made between that same knight and the Cistercians, and over the ten pounds which the wife of said knight sought from the Cistercians, we disposed thus between them that the Cistercians for said complaints would give 20 Dijon pounds to said knight so that the Cistercians remain in peace and quiet from abovementioned complaints. The said knight Gerard approved this as well as Simon his son and said knight is held to see that his wife will approve it as well as others whom it concerns. Enacted at Argilly in the 1220th year of the Lord, in the month of March.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis, ducissa Burgundie, omnibus notum facio quod cum discordia verteretur inter Cistercienses, ex parte una, et dominum Girardum de Franceys, ex altera, super terris quas tenent homines infra terminos illius partis territorii de Lastrecy, que pars dicto militi a Cisterciensibus est asaignata, sicut continetur in instrumento sigillato sigilli nostri, et super decimis dicte partis territorii de Latrecy dicto militi assignate, quas decimas et quas terras dictus miles petebat a Cisterciensibus garantiri ratione conventiouis facte inter ipsum militem et Cistercienses, et super decem libris quas uxor dicti militis petebat a Cisterciensibus, taliter inter ipsos composuimus ,quod Cistercienses pro dictis querelis dederunt dicto militi XX libras Divionenses, ut Cistercienses de querelis supradictis in pace remanent et quiete. Hoc laudaverunt dictus miles Girardus, et Symon, filius ejus, et dictus miles tenetur facere quod uxor sua hoc laudabit et alii ad quos spectat. Actum apud Argilliacum, anno Domini MoCCo Xxo mense martio.

Historical context:

The duchess makes known an agreement between the monks of Citeaux and Gerard of Franxault.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.190-91, #1654.


1221/1220, March



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