Theses Doctoral

Robust Machine Learning by Integrating Context

Mao, Chengzhi

Intelligent software has the potential to transform our society. It is becoming the building block for many systems in the real world. However, despite the excellent performance of machine learning models on benchmarks, state-of-the-art methods like neural networks often fail once they encounter realistic settings. Since neural networks often learn correlations without reasoning with the right signals and knowledge, they fail when facing shifting distributions, unforeseen corruptions, and worst-case scenarios. Since neural networks are black-box models, they are not interpretable or trusted by the user. We need to build robust models for machine learning to be confidently and responsibly deployed in the most critical applications and systems.

In this dissertation, I introduce our robust machine learning systems advancements by tightly integrating context into algorithms. The context has two aspects: the intrinsic structure of natural data, and the extrinsic structure from domain knowledge. Both are crucial: By capitalizing on the intrinsic structure in natural data, my work has shown that we can create robust machine learning systems, even in the worst case, an analytical result that also enjoys strong empirical gains.

Through integrating external knowledge, such as the association between tasks and causal structure, my framework can instruct models to use the right signals for inference, enabling new opportunities for controllable and interpretable models.

This thesis consists of three parts. In the first part, I aim to cover three works that use the intrinsic structure as a constraint to achieve robust inference. I present our framework that performs test-time optimization to respect the natural constraint, which is captured by self-supervised tasks. I illustrate that test-time optimization improves out-of-distribution generalization and adversarial robustness. Besides the inference algorithm, I show that intrinsic structure through discrete representations also improves out-of-distribution robustness.

In the second part of the thesis, I then detail my work using external domain knowledge. I first introduce using causal structure from external domain knowledge to improve domain generalization robustness. I then show how the association of multiple tasks and regularization objectives helps robustness.

In the final part of this dissertation, I show three works on trustworthy and reliable foundation models, a general-purpose model that will be the foundation for many AI applications. I show a framework that uses context to secure, interpret, and control foundation models.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Computer Science
Thesis Advisors
Vondrick, Carl M.
Yang, Junfeng
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
October 4, 2023