
Current Research with Highly Charged Ions in EBIT and SuperEBIT

Beiersdorfer, P.; Britten, J. A.; Brown, G. V.; Chen, H.; Clothiaux, E. J.; Cottam, J.; F?rster, E.; Gu, M.-F.; Harris, C. L.; Kahn, S. M.; Lepson, J. K.; Neill, P. A.; Neill, P. A.; Savin, Daniel Wolf; Schulte-Schrepping, H.; Schweikhard, L.; Smith, A. J.; Träbert, E.; Tschischgale, J.; Utter, S. B.; Wong, K. L.

Using both the LLNL high-voltage electron beam ion trap, SuperEBIT, and its low-energy counterpart, EBIT-II, we are currently performing spectroscopic measurements with electron beam energies ranging from 150 eV to 150 keV on ions ranging from near neutral Ne to ions as highly charged as Tl80‡. Our measurements span photon energies from visible light to hard X-rays and focus on electron-ion interaction cross sections, line identi¢cations and QED measurements, the determination of nuclear parameters, the investigation of charge transfer reactions, and radiative transition rates. An overview of some of the new instrumentation and a subset of the current experiments is given.


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Astronomy and Astrophysics
Published Here
March 15, 2023