A letter from John VIII, pope (878 May)


John VIII, pope


Angelberga of Italy

Translated letter:

To his most beloved daughter lady Angelberga empress, most serene imperial spouse of the most unconquered emperor of pious memory Lord Louis. Since we have been anxious that the dignity of your empire fight for and bring to completion the privileges of the Roman church with enormous desire and labor, with Christ favoring we desire to know perpetually the magnitude of your great devotion. Behold we have safely entered Arles of the kingdom of your delights indeed with the highest judge permitting through the intercession of the apostle princes, we found there prince Boso your son-in-law and daughter lady Ermengard saying all the agreeable and continually desired things and embracing those children of your and your most pious spouse as children for love of you for their consultation we shall do everything with honor, since we seek as through you consolation and defense of the holy Roman church through them, and we hope no less to move them with God’s permission to greater and higher stages in all ways with our honor safe. For which admonishing we urge that you favor such effort and enjoying the accomplishment by your earlier counsel, you send out by certain letters individually to us and them without delay at least to make it known. We ask also that you send consoling letters to archbishop John of Ravenna on our behalf, urging him to pray for us and never fear to prepare himself against the enemies of God and send legates to console our faithful at Rome. And, if it is permitted or possible for me to ask you, send your letters to bishop Leo, our and Peter’s envoy and apocrisiary(1) and to the other faithful, conforting them as you know and wish.

Original letter:

Dilectissime Filie domne Angelberge Imperatrici, Pie Memorie Domni Hludouuici Invictissimi Imperatoris Coniugi Serenissime Auguste. Cum erga Romane ecclesie privilegia inmenso velle, inmenso et opere decus imperii vestri decertare et ad perfectum ducere semper adhauriverimus(?) et amemus, Christo favente perpetuo magnitudinem tante vestre devotionis scire cupimus. Ecce Arelatem regni deliciarum vestrarum sani intravimus quidem summo arbitre permittente per intercessione apostolorum principum illicque Bosonem principem generum vestrum communem et filiam domnam Hermengardam alloquentes omnia prospera et iugiter desiderata invenimus et pro amore vestro, vestri namque et piissimi coniugis illos tamquam filios amplectentes pro eorum consulto illorum cum honore cuncta faciemus, quoniam ceu per vos, haud secus per istos consolationem et defensionem sancte Romane ecclesie querimus eosdemque permissu Dei ad maiores excelsioresque gradus modis omnibus salvo nostro honore promovere nichilominus desideramus. Quapropter monentes hortamur, ut tanto labori faveatis eiusque perfectionem prisco vestro consilio perfruentes certis litteris per singula nobis et illis sine mora intimare minime differatis. Ceterum rogamus, ut Iohanni archiepiscopo Ravennati mittatis epistolas ex nostra parte consolatorias, incitantes, ut pro nobis orationes faciat et contra Dei inimicos se preparare nequaquam formidet et nostris fidelibus Rome legatos consolando transmittat. Et vos, si fas est aut michi apud vos est impetrandi facultas, Leoni episcopo, misso et apocrisiario nostro, et Petro superiste ceterisque fidelibus litteras vestras mittite, confortantes ipsos, ut scitis et vultis.

Historical context:

The pope tells the empress that he has gone to Arles to seek help from her daughter and son-in-law, the king of Provence, and asks her to write to encourage them in that and to write to the bishop of Ravenna.

Scholarly notes:

(1)A papal official.

Printed source:

MGH Ep. Kar. aevi 5.88-89, Iohannis VIII Papae Epistolae, ep.94


878 May



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