A letter from WIlliam and Emma


Emma of Mortain
William IV of Toulouse



Translated letter:

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Be it known to all that I, William, by the grace of God count and duke of Toulouse, Carcassonne and Albi, and I Emma, his wife, having in mind the final end of days etc, for the remedy of our souls, especially for the soul of count Pons, my father, … of William, and my mother Almodis, that we may feel that God is pacified when he comes to judge the living and dead in our distress, we give, approve and grant and hand over in perpetuity with this present charter to the Lord God and the glorious mother of God, Mary, and the monastery of the glorious martyr of Christ and saint, Pons of Thomières, and the lord abbot Frotard and the monks of that monastery serving God there now and in the future: namely in the bishopric of Albi the whole allod of every parish of St. John of Primago; similarly we give in that bishopric of Albi the whole allod of every parish of St. Martin and St. Victor of Hevara; similarly we give in that bishopric of Albi the whole allod of every parish of St. John of Pradas:  and the aforenamed parish of Pradas abuts in the east the parish of St. Amans of Garils, in the north the parish of St. Amant of Berlas, in the west the parish of St. John of Frays, in the south the parish of St. Lawrence of Soleyre.  Similarly we give in that bishopric in the parish of Ferrans the whole allod of all the territory of Estodillac.  Similarly we give in that bishopric of Albi the whole allod of the town and every parish of St. Salvius of Correns.  All the aforesaid things of all the said parishes, I, said William, count and duke, and I, Emma, his wife, give, approve, and grant to almighty God and St. Mary and the monastery of St. Pons of Thomières and the abbot and monks of that place present and future in perpetuity, namely the whole allod and power and the whole rule of all said parishes, with their dwellings, their cottages, their homes, courts, waters, banks, abutments, valleys and groves, with forests and woods, with mines and fruit-bearing and nonfruit-bearing trees, with gardens and grasses, with mills and dams, with ovens and meadows, with men and women living in said honors, with usages, tolls, and dwelling rights, and sureties , and wood, and dues, with fiefs, with vicar-benefices, with services, with hunting, and all legal actions, and everything we have and ought to have in all said honors, that whole we give to God and the said monastery in perpetuity without retaining anything.  Indeed if a count or duke or another interfering person, etc.  This charter of donation was made in the year 1080 of the Incarnation of the Lord, in the reign of Philip king of the Franks, 2nd feria (Monday), 16th kalends of July.  Sign of William, count and duke, and of Emma, his wife, [we] who had this charter of donation made and ordered it to be, and asked witnesses to sign.  Sign of Raymond, count and brother of said count William, who granted and approved and made this sign +.  Sign of Bertrand, count nephew of said count William and son of count Raymond, who granted this gift and approved and made this sign +. Sign of William of Rebent.  Sign of viscount Ademar.  Sign of Bernard-Pons of Granoiled.  Sign of Bernard-Raymond of Toulouse. Sign of Aymery of Rochefort.  Sign of Bernard-Raymond. Sign of Arnald-Pons of Clermont.  Sign of Christopher. Sign of Arnald-Atto. Sign of Jausselin, priest, who wrote this charter, asked by both sides, on the day and year above.


Original letter:

In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Omnibus dinoscatur quod ego Guillelmus Dei gratia Tolosanorum Carcassonensium & Albigensium comes & dux, & ego Emma uxor ejus, considerantes ultimum diei finem, &c., propter remedium animarum nostrarum, specialiter pro anima Pontii comitis patris mei ..., Guil­lelmi & matris meae Adelmudis, ut Deum sentiamus placatum in angustiis nostris cum venerit judicare vivos & mortuos, damus, laudamus & concedimus & cum hac praesenti carta in perpetuum tradimus Do­mino Deo, & gloriosae Dei genitrici Mariae, & monasterio gloriosi martyris Christi & sancti Pontii Tomeriensis, & domno abbati Frotardo, & monachis ejusdem monasterii praesentibus & futuris ibidem Deo servientibus: videlicet in episcopatu Albiensi totum alodium de omni parochia Sancti Joannis de Primago; damus similiter in ipso episcopatu Albiensi totum alodium de omni parochia Sancti Martini & Sancti Victoris de Hevara; damus similiter in ipso episcopatu Albiensi totum alodium de omni parochia Sancti Joannis de Pradas: & praedicta parochia de Pradas affrontat ab Oriente cum parochia Sancti Amansii de Garils, ab Aquilone cum paro­chia Sancti Amantii de Berlas, ab Occidente affrontat cum parochia Sancti Joannis de Frays, a Meridie cum parochia Sancti Laurentii de Soleyre. Damus similiter in ipso episcopatu in parochia de Ferrans totum alodium de omni territorio d'Estodillac. Damus similiter in ipso episcopatu Albiensi totum alodium de villa & de omni parochia Sancti Salvii de Corrancts. Haec omnia praedicta de omnibus praedictis parochiis ego praedictus Guillelmus comes & dux & ego Emma uxor ejus damus, laudamus & concedimus omnipotenti Deo & sanctae Mariae & monasterio Sancti Pontii Tomeriensis & abbati & monachis ejusdem loci praesentibus & futuris in perpetuum, sci­licet totum alodium & potestatem & totum dominium de omnibus praedictis parochiis, cum mansis, cum bordariis, cum domibus, curtibus, aquis, ripariis, confrontationibus, vallibus & nemoribus, cum forestis & silvis, cum mineriis & cum arboribus fructiferis & infructiferis, cum hortis & herbis, & cum molendinis & paxeriis, cum furnis & pratis, & cum hominibus & faeminabus in praedictis honoribus habitantibus, cum usaticis, & taliis, & albergis, & firmantiis, & justitiis, & lignis, & leydas, cum fevalibus, cum vicariis, cum sirventagiis, cum venationibus, & omnes actus, & omne quod habemus & habere debemus in omnibus praedictis honoribus, totum illud damus Deo & monasterio praedicto in perpetuum absque omni retentu. Sane si quis comes vel dux aut aliqua interposita persona, &c. Facta carta donationis hujus anno Incar[na]tionis Domini m lxxx, regnante Philippo rege Francorum, feria II, XVI kalendas julii. S. Guillelmi comitis atque ducis & Emae conjugis, qui hanc cartam donationis fecimus, & fieri jussimus, & testes firmare rogavimus. S. Raymundus comes & frater Guillelmi comitis praedicti, qui hoc con­cessit & laudavit & hoc signum fecit +. S. Bertrandus comes nepos Guillelmi comitis praedicti & filius Raymundi comitis, qui hoc donum concessit & laudavit & hoc signum fecit +.  S. Guillelmi de Rebenti. S. Ademari vicecomitis. S. Bernardi-Pontii de Granoiled. S. Bernardi-Raymundi de Tolosa. S. Aymerici de Roquefort. S. Bernardi-Raymundi. S. Arnaldi-Pontii de Cler­mont. S. Christophori. S. Arnaldi-Attonis. S. Jausselini sacerdotis, qui hanc cartam scripsit ex utraque parte rogatus, die & anno quo supra.


Historical context:

The count and countess make a grant of a series of parishes to the monastery of St. Pons of Thomières with everything that pertains to them spelled out.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.652-54, #336.3, CCLXXVIII.3.


1080, June 16



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