A letter from Alix of Vergy (1241)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

Let all who will look at the present letters know that I A[lix], mother of the Duke of Burgundy, in my last will, of sound mind, bequeathed to the Abbey of Lieu-Dieu near Vergy, my mill at Nuits, which I had constructed there anew. That the present donation might have the stability of strength I wished to strengthen the present page with the protection of my seal. Dated in the year 1216 (sic).

Original letter:

Noverint universi presentes litteras inspecturi, quod ego A., mater Ducis Burgundiae, in ultima voluntate mea compos mentis meae legavi Abbatiae Loci-Dei sub Vergeio molendinum meum de Nuis, quod ego ibidem de novo construxeram. Ut autem praesens donatio roboris habeat firmitatem praesentem paginam sigilli mei munimine volui roborare. Datum anno Domini MCCXVI (sic).

Historical context:

The duchess bequeaths a mill to the abbey of Lieu-Dieu. E.Petit dates the document 1241 in his summary (#2427), a date which seems more appropriate than the one that appears in Duchesne’s text.

Printed source:

A. Duchesne, Preuves de l'Histoire de la Maison de Vergy (Paris: Cramoisy, 1625), p.154-55.





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