
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 28, issue 1 (1972/73)

"Karl Barth as Exegete and His Influence on Biblical Interpretation" by Wharton, 5

"The Significance of Karl Barth's Thought for the Relation Between Philosophy and Theology" by Smith, 15

"Response" by Jenson, 31

"Karl Barth as Theologian of Culture" by Vanhanian, 37

"Comment" by Novak, 51

"Response" by Barth, 53

"Karl Barthas Political Activist" by Deschner, 55

"Karl Barth, Theologian of Permanent Revolution" by Lehmann, 67

"Response" by Herzog, 83

"Karl Barth as Preacher and Pastor" by Lee, 87

"Magister Dialecticae et Optimarium Partium (Recollections of Karl Barth as Teacher) by Mckelway, 93

"A Non-Barthian's Gratitude to Karl Barth" by Bennett, 99

"A Word in Commemoration" by Allen, 109

"Colloquium Participants" by Allen, 111

"Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality by Andre Dumas Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Reality and Resistance by Harry L. Rasmussen" by Day, 117

"Book Reviews", 122

"Book Review Contributors", 124


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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March 18, 2022