
Fundamental underpinnings of simulation education: describing a four-component instructional design approach to healthcare simulation fellowships

Meguerdichian, Michael J.; Bajaj, Komal; Walker, Katie

Although in 2020, there are more than 120 healthcare simulation fellowships established globally, there is a paucity of literature on how to design fellowship programs most effectively, to equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of a competent simulation educator. Offering a systematic structure to approach simulation fellowship programmatic design may aid in better achieving program goals. In this manuscript, we present the application of the 4-component instructional design model as a blueprint to the development of Simulation Education Fellowships. We offer examples used at the NYC Health + Hospitals simulation fellowship to illustrate how the 4-component model informs fellowship program design which promotes the development of a simulation educator. This manuscript will provide a roadmap to designing curricula and assessment practices including self-reflective logbooks to focus the path toward achieving desired skills and shape future conversations around programmatic development.

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Advances in Simulation

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Published Here
September 22, 2023


Cognitive Load Theory, Curriculum design, Faculty development, Program design, Simulation fellowship