Genealogy: Henry I

Table 2: Descendants of Mathilde of Ringelheim and Henry I of Germany (the first six generations)

Henry I King of Germany d. 936
+Mathilde of Ringelheim Queen of Germany d. 968
|---Otto I Emperor d. 973
|   +Edith of England Empress d. 946
|   |---Liudolf Duke of Swabia d. 957
|   |   +Ida of Swabia d. 986
|   |   |---Otto I Duke of Swabia d. 982
|   |   |---Matilda Abbess of Essen b. 949, d. 1011
|   |---Liutgard d. 953
|       +Conrad the Red Duke of Lotharingia d. 955
|       |---Otto Duke of Carinthia d. 1004
|           +Judith
|           |---Henry of Speyer
|               +Adelaide of Metz
|               |---Conrad II Emperor d. 1039
|                   +Gisela of Swabia d. 1043
|                   |---Henry III Emperor d. 1056
|                       +Kunegund of England d. 1038
|                       +Agnes of Poitiers (Aia) d. 1077(**)
|   +Adelaide of Burgundy Queen of Italy, Empress of Germany d. 999
|   |---Otto II Emperor d. 983
|   |   +Theophanu of Byzantium Empress d. 991
|   |   |---Adelaide Abbess of Quedlingburg and Gandersheim d. 1044
|   |   |---Sophia Abbess of Gandersheim d. 1039
|   |   |---Otto III Emperor d. 1002
|   |   |---Matilda of Germany Countess Palatine d. 1025
|   |       +Enzo Count Palatine d. 1034
|   |       |---Richeza of Lotharingia d. 1063
|   |           +Mieszko II Lambert king of Poland b. Cir 990, d. 1034
|   |           |---Richeza of Poland
|   |           |   +Bela I king of Hungary b. Cir 1015, d. 1063
|   |           |   |---Ladislaus I king of Hungary b. 1040, d. 1095
|   |           |   |   +Adelaide of Swabia queen of Hungary
|   |           |   |---Geza I king of Hungary b. Cir 1044, d. 1077
|   |           |       +Sophia of Loon b. 1044-1046, d. 1075
|   |           |---Casimir I prince of Poland b. 1016, d. 1058
|   |               +Maria Dobronega of Kiev b. 1012, d. 1087
|   |               |---Boleslaw II king of Poland b. Cir 1042, d. 1081-1082
|   |               |---Wladyslaw I Herman prince of Poland d. 1102
|   |               |   +Judith of Swabia queen of Hungary and princess of Poland d. 1100 ?(**)
|   |               |---Swietoslawa of Poland queen of Bohemia b. Cir 1046-1048, d. 1126
|   |                   +Vratislaus II prince and king of Bohemia d. 1092
|   |---Bruno d. 957
|   |---Matilda Abbess of Quedlinburg d. 999
|---Gerberga of Germany Queen of France d. 984
|   +Louis IV Outremer King of France d. 954
|   |---Lothair King of France d. 986
|   |   +Emma of Italy d. After 987
|   |   |---Louis V King of France d. 987
|   |---Charles of Lower Lorraine/Lotharingia d. Abt 992
|   |---Matilda of France d. 981-982
|       +Conrad I of Burgundy d. 993
|       |---Gisela of Burgundy d. 1007
|       |   +Henry II the Wrangler d. 995
|       |   |---Henry II Emperor b. 973, d. 1024
|       |       +Cunigunde of Luxemburg Empress d. 1040
|       |---Rudolf III King of Burgundy d. 1032
|       |   +Ermengarde of Savoy queen of Burgundy
|       |---Gerberga of Burgundy d. 1018-1019
|       |   +Herman II Duke of Swabia d. 1003
|       |   |---Matilda of Swabia(**)
|       |   |   +Frederick II of Upper Lorraine d. 1026
|       |   |   |---Beatrice of Lorraine, duke of Tuscany(**)
|       |   |   |   +Boniface margrave of Tuscany d. 1052
|       |   |   |   |---Federico of Tuscany d. 1055
|       |   |   |   |---Beatrice of Tuscany d. 1053
|       |   |   |   |---Matilda of Tuscany countess of Tuscany and duchess of Lorraine b. 1046, d. 1115(**)
|       |   |   |       +Godfrey III the Hunchback duke of Lower Lorraine d. 1076
|       |   |   |       +Welf II duke of Bavaria d. 1120
|       |   |   |   +Godfrey II the Bearded duke of Upper and Lower Lorraine b. Cir 997, d. 1069
|       |   |   |---Sophia countess of Bar d. 1093
|       |   |   |   +Louis of Montbeliard
|       |   |   |   |---Frederick of Montbéliard margrave of Turin d. 1091
|       |   |   |       +Agnes of Savoy margravine of Turin and Susa(**)
|       |   |   |---Frederick III duke of Upper Lorraine and count of Bar d. 1033
|       |   |---Gisela of Swabia d. 1043
|       |       +Conrad II Emperor d. 1039
|       |       |---Henry III Emperor d. 1056
|       |           +Kunegund of England d. 1038
|       |           |---Beatrice Abbess of Quedlinburg
|       |           +Agnes of Poitiers (Aia) d. 1077(**)
|       |           |---Matilda of Germany duchess of Swabia d. 1060
|       |           |   +Rudolf I of Swabia and anti-king of Germany d. 1080
|       |           |---Judith of Swabia queen of Hungary and princess of Poland d. 1100 ?(**)
|       |           |   +Salomon of Hungary b. 1053, d. 1087
|       |           |   +Wladyslaw I Herman prince of Poland d. 1102
|       |           |---Adelaide Abbess of Quedlinburg d. Abt 1095
|       |           |---Henry IV Emperor d. 1106
|       |               +Bertha of Savoy d. 1087
|       |---Bertha of Burgundy Queen of France
|           +Odo I count of Blois d. 996
|           |---Odo II count of Blois b. 983, d. 1037
|               |---Thibaut III count of Blois b. 1012, d. 1089
|                   +Gersent of Le Mans
|                   |---Stephen of Blois d. 1102
|                       +Adela of England countess of Blois b. 1067-1068, d. 1137(**)
|                   +Adele of Valois
|                   |---Hugh count of Troyes and Champagne b. Cir 1074, d. 1125
|                       +Constance of France countess of Troyes and princess of Antioch b. 1078, d. 1125(**)
|           +Robert II the Pious King of France d. 1031
|---Hedvig of Germany
|   +Hugh the Great Duke of the French d. 956
|   |---Beatrice countess/duke of Upper Lorraine
|   |   +Frederic I of Upper Lorraine d. 978
|   |   |---Dieterich/Theoderic Duke of Upper Lorraine
|   |       +Richilde Duchess of Upper Lorraine d. Bef 995
|   |       |---Frederick II of Upper Lorraine d. 1026
|   |           +Matilda of Swabia(**)
|   |           |---Beatrice of Lorraine, duke of Tuscany(**)
|   |           |   +Boniface margrave of Tuscany d. 1052
|   |           |   |---Federico of Tuscany d. 1055
|   |           |   |---Beatrice of Tuscany d. 1053
|   |           |   |---Matilda of Tuscany countess of Tuscany and duchess of Lorraine b. 1046, d. 1115(**)
|   |           |       +Godfrey III the Hunchback duke of Lower Lorraine d. 1076
|   |           |       +Welf II duke of Bavaria d. 1120
|   |           |   +Godfrey II Bearded duke of Upper and Lower Lorraine b. Cir 997, d. 1069
|   |           |---Sophia countess of Bar d. 1093
|   |           |   +Louis of Montbeliard
|   |           |   |---Frederick of Montbéliard margrave of Turin d. 1091
|   |           |       +Agnes of Savoy margravine of Turin and Susa(**)
|   |           |---Frederick III duke of Upper Lorraine and count of Bar d. 1033
|   |---Otto Duke of Burgundy d. 965
|   |---Hugh Capet Duke of the Franks, King of France d. 996
|   |   +Adelaide of Aquitaine
|   |   |---Robert II the Pious King of France d. 1031
|   |       +Rozala of Italy countess of Flanders and queen of France d. 1003
|   |       +Bertha of Burgundy Queen of France
|   |       +Constance of Provence d. 1032
|   |       |---Hugh of France d. 1025
|   |       |---Henry I King of France d. 1060
|   |       |   +Anne of Kiev d. 1075
|   |       |   |---Philip I King of France d. 1108
|   |       |   |   +Bertha of Holland d. 1093
|   |       |   |   |---Louis VI King of France d. 1137
|   |       |   |   |   +Adelaide of Savoy queen of France d. 1154
|   |       |   |   |---Constance of France countess of Troyes and princess of Antioch b. 1078, d. 1125(**)
|   |       |   |       +Hugh count of Troyes and Champagne b. Cir 1074, d. 1125
|   |       |   |   +Bertrade of Montfort
|   |       |   |   |---Cecilia of France princess of Antioch and countess of Tripoli
|   |       |   |       +Tancred prince of Galilee and Antioch d. 1112
|   |       |   |       +Pons count of Tripoli
|   |       |   |---Hugh Count of Vermandois d. 1102
|   |       |---Adela/Adelaide countess of Flanders d. 1079
|   |       |   +Richard III of Normandy d. 1027
|   |       |   +Baldwin V Count of Flanders d. 1067
|   |       |   |---Baldwin VI Count of Flanders d. 1070
|   |       |   |---Matilda of Flanders Queen of England d. 1083
|   |       |   |   +William I "the Conqueror" King of England b. 1028, d. 1087
|   |       |   |   |---Robert II Curthose Duke of Normandy d. 1134
|   |       |   |   |---Richard of England d. Abt 1081
|   |       |   |   |---Adelaide/Adeliza/Adelida royal nun
|   |       |   |   |---Cecily Abbess of Caen d. 1126
|   |       |   |   |---William II Rufus King of England d. 1100
|   |       |   |   |---Constance Duchess of Brittany d. 1090
|   |       |   |   |   +Alan IV Duke of Brittany d. 1119
|   |       |   |   |---Adela of England countess of Blois b. 1067-1068, d. 1137(**)
|   |       |   |   |   +Stephen of Blois d. 1102
|   |       |   |   |---Henry I King of England d. 1135
|   |       |   |       +Matilda of Scotland Queen of England b. 1080, d. 1118
|   |       |   |---Robert I the Frisian Count of Flanders d. 1092-1093
|   |       |---Robert Duke of Burgundy d. 1076
|   |           +Helie of Semur
|   |           |---Constance of Burgundy queen of Leon and Castile b. 1046, d. 1093
|   |               +Alfonso VI king of Leon, Galicia, and Castile b. 1040-1041, d. 1109
|   |               |---Urraca queen of Leon, Castile and Galicia d. 1126
|   |                   +Raymond of Burgundy regent of Galicia b. Cir 1070, d. 1107
|   |---Henry Duke of Burgundy d. 1002
|   |---Emma of France d. 962
|       +Richard I of Normandy Count of Rouen d. 996
|---Bruno Archbishop of Cologne d. 965
|---Henry Duke of Bavaria d. 955
    +Judith of Bavaria d. 985
    |---Henry II the Wrangler d. 995
    |   +Gisela of Burgundy d. 1007
    |   |---Henry II Emperor b. 973, d. 1024
    |       +Cunigunde of Luxemburg Empress d. 1040
    |---Gerberga Abbess of Gandersheim d. 1001

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