A letter from Roger, count of Foix


Roger, count of Foix


Bernard Ato IV
Cecilia of Provence

Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  I Roger, count of Foix and my brothers, Peter and Raymond make an agreement with you Bernard-Ato viscount and your wife Cecilia viscountess and your sons Roger and Raymond Trencavel and Bernard and their posterity on the whole honor which we have and ought to have in the county of Toulouse and in Comminges and in Coseran and in Carcassonne and in all their boundaries, that we cannot give or sell or mortgage anything of all the said honors or transfer the power in any way to another except to you or by your counsel.  If indeed we should have children from a legally married wife,  they would have and hold and possess our said honors and all children would similarly hold said agreements with you and your children and their posterity for all the said honors which we have and ought to have in the county of Carcassonne and Toulouse and Comminges and in Coseran and all their boundaries, and castles, towns, churches, abbeys with all their honors, rustic and urban places, cultivated and uncultivated, woods, unworked lands, pastures, waters, acqueducts and drains, and roads and everything in all of them.  If indeed children  from our legally wed wife should not survive, we give to you and your children those said honors after our death,that is Foix and Frédelas and Lordat and Castellane-pendent and that castle of Dun and the castle of Mirepoix and all the others castles and towns and honors that we have and ought to have in said counties.  And so let this charter remain firm and stable for all time, which was made on 2 kalends of April, Tuesday after Easter, in the year 1125 of the lord’s Incarnation, in the reign of king Louis.  Sign of count Roger and his brothers Peter and Raymond who thus confirmed this charter.  Sign of Bernard of Durban, etc., as in the preceding act [490.1].

Original letter:

In nomine Domini. Ego Rogerius comes Fuxensis & fratres mei Petrus & Raymundus facimus convenientiam vobis Bernardo-Atonis vicecomiti & uxori vestrae Caeciliae vicecomitissae & filiis vestris Rogerio & Raimundo Trencavel atque Bernardo & posteritati illorum de toto ipso honore nostro quem habemus & ha­bere debemus in comitatu Tolosano & in Comenge & in Coserano & in Carcassensi & in suis omnibus finibus illorum, quod non possimus aliquid de istis omni­bus supradictis honoribus dare vel vendere vel impignorare aut ullo modo in alterius potestatem transferre nisi vobis aut cum vestro consilio. Si vero nos habuerimus infantes de muliere nuptialiter ducta, ipsi habeant & teneant atque possideant praedictos honores nostros & omnes infantes similiter teneant ipsas supradictas convenientias vobis & infantibus vestris & posteritati illorum de omnibus honoribus istis supradictis quos habemus & habere debemus in comitatu Carcassonensi atque Tolosano & Comenge & in Coserano & in omnibus finibus suis, & castella, villas, ecclesias, abbatias cum suis omnibus honoribus, loca rustica & urbana, culta & inculta, silvas, garricas, pascua, aquas, aquarum ductus & reductus atque vias & omnia in omnibus. Si vero de nobis infantes de muliere nuptialiter ducta non remanserint, donamus vobis & infantibus vestris istos suprascriptos ho­nores post mortem nostram, id est Fuxum & Fredelaz & Lordad & Castellum-pen­dent & ipsum castellum de Dun & ipsum castellum de Mirapeix & totos alios castellos & villas & honores quos habemus & habere debemus in supradictis comitatibus. Et sic ista carta firma & stabilis permaneat omni tempore, quae facta est II kalendas aprilis, III feria post Pascha, anno MCXXV Incarnationis dominicae, regnante Lodovico rege.  Signum Rogerii comitis & fratrum ejus Petri & Raymundi qui sic istam cartam firmaverunt.  Signum Bernardi de Durban, etc. (comme dans l’acte précédent.)

Historical context:

The count of Foix and his brothers affirm that they will do nothing to alienate or mortgage any of various holdings without the consent of Bernard-Ato, and if he has legitimate children they will honor the same agreement, if he has no surviving legitimate children, the lands and honors will revert to Bernard and his family.


Printed source:

Histoire générale de Languedoc, 5.928-29.490.2, CCCC. 


1125, March 31



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