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Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension for Ethiopia 2nd Edition: Facilitators' Guide

Grossi, Amanda; Dinku, Tufa; Hansen, James W.; Trzaska, Sylwia A.; Nsengiyumva, Gloriose; Siebert, Asher; Han, Eunjin; Mangen, Ofelia; Lemma, Esayas; Denboba, Tolesa; Solomon, Dawit; Demissie, Teferi

The 2nd Edition of the Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension for Ethiopia Facilitators’ Guide is an accompaniment to curricular materials presented in the Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) Reference Guide and Handbook, with new and updated content following demand from Ethiopia's Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) colleges. It is intended to be used during implementation of the CRMAE course targeting Ethiopia’s subject matter specialists (SMS) and extension staff, including development agents (DAs). This includes, but is not limited to, teachers of Ethiopia’s Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) program and its associated colleges. This Facilitators’ Guide was designed to ensure that all of the learning objectives are addressed effectively in the time allotted for each of the four modules that comprise the CRMAE course. It provides facilitators with a roadmap and step-by-step instructions for each of the modules and their sub-components, including each session’s agenda, presentations, activities, and worksheets.

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