A letter from Marie, duchess of Burgundy ()


Marie of Champagne, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

Be it known to all present and future that before Ralph married the daughter of Constant Podiscanis, who was one of the Duchess’s women, that Duchess imparted to the canons of Chatillon the daughters and sons to be born from them.  These are the witnesses of this sharing:  Master Humbert, chaplain of that Duchess;  Jobert of Grancey; Ermengard, his wife; Hugo, provost. Parisius, Henry Chaolate, Martin Grossus, man of St. Mary; Boinus.

Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus tam praesentibus quam futuris quod antequam Radulphus duceret filiam Constantii Podiscanis, quae femina Ducisse erat, ipsa Ducissa communicavit canonicis Castellionis filias et filios ex eis nascituros.  Hujus vero communicationis hi sunt testes:  Magister Humbertus, ejusdem Ducisse capellanus; Jobertus de Granceio; Ermengardis, hujus uxor; Ugo prepositus, Parisius, Henricus Chaolate, Martinus Grossus, homo Sancte Marie; Boinus.

Historical context:

Marie gives the children of a family to the abbey of Notre Dame de Chatillon.  

Printed source:

Ernest Petit, Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne de la Race Capetienne (Dijon, 1885, 1887) v.2, #391.





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