A letter from Henry III, king of England (11/18/1264)


Henry III, king of England


Eleanor of Provence

Translated letter:

The king to all, etc., greetings. Know that we have taken in safe and secure conduct our beloved cleric, Master Edward de la Cnolle, Deacon of Wells, going as our messenger to the illustrious Lord Louis, King of France,and the venerable father bishop G[uido]. of Sabin., legate of the apostolic see, and to our beloved consort, Queen Eleanor of England, in going abroad and returning thence. And therefore we command you that to that same Edward, the community, etc. In whose, etc. Witnessed by the king at Windsor, 18th day of November.

Original letter:

Rex omnibus, etc. salutem. Sciatis quod suscepimus in salvum & securum conductum dilectum Clericum nostrum, Magistrum Eadwardum de la Cnolle, Decanum Wellensem, proficiscentem in Nuncium nostrum ad Dominum Ludovicum Regem Franciae illustrem, & venerabilem Patrem G. Sabin. Episcopum, Apostolicae sedis Legatum, & ad dilectam consortem nostram, Alianoram Reginam Angliae, in eundo ad partes transmarinas, & abinde redeundo. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod eidem Eadwardo, familiae, &c. In cujus, &c. Teste Rege apud Windesor. 18 die Novembris.

Historical context:

According to the Foedera, the king sent this letter of safe-conduct to the King of France, the Queen of England, and the papal legate, Guido.

Printed source:

Rymer, Foedera, 1.2.92 (3rd ed.)





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