A letter from Henry III (10/29/1261)


Henry III


Marguerite of Provence

Translated letter:

Letters of credence for the said Henry, the treasurer, and Robert de Scrop, Templar, whom the king is sending to the said Louis on the affairs of the Agenais and other affairs. They had a like letter of credence to the queen of France. [All the foregoing letters are vacated and cancelled, because surrendered. And so none of them took effect and all were surrendered by Master Henry de Gandavo and cancelled and handed to Sir. P. de Wintonia.]

Historical context:

The Calendar records letters of credence sent to the king and queen of France. It also records an earlier (1261, April 28) "Power to Master Henry de Gandavo and William le Latymer, the bearers, to contract a loan in the king's name to them amount of 5, 6 or 7,000 marks on the security of the king's jewels by the counsel of M[arguerite] queen of France; with power to swear, if necessary, on the king's soul that he will faithfully observe the times of repayment, 4.151. [Vacated because Master Henry afterwards surrendered this letter and it was cancelled and handed to Sir. P. de Wintonia to be kept in the wardrobe.]

Printed source:

The Calendar of the Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 5 (1258-66), 189





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