A letter from Isovard and Sancia


Isovard and his wife Sancia


Almodis of La Marche

Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  We, Isovard and my wife Sancia, are sellers to you, lady Almodis, countess.  By this document of sale we sell you houses, cottages, orchards, gardens, lands and vineyards, cultivated or barren, uncultivated with every kind of tree, as well as the water sources that are there.  All the aforesaid came to us from our parents and other rights.  And they are in the county of Barcelona, on the edge of the town Piera, in the allod which is called ad ipsum Pratum (at that meadow).  And all the aforesaid abut:  in the east the boundary of Gelida and Subirats, in the south of Munistrol and Subirats, in the west the lands that were Abdonno’s, in the north the public road to Portel.  As much as these abutments include or surround, so much we the aforesaid sell to you, lady Almodis, countess, with their exits and entries, for the price of 50 marks of Barcelona weighed at 10 to the ounce, which you gave us and we accepted from you, and it is manifest that nothing of this price remained with you, the buyer, and we hand over by our right into your rule and power to do whatever you will.  If we or any man or woman should try to break this document of sale, we or he/she would not be able to get what we sought, but would pay all the aforesaid doubly with every improvement; and afterwards this document of our sale would have untroubled force.   Enacted on the 5th kalends of November in the 3rd year of the reign of king Philip.  +Sign of Isovard.  +Sign of Sancia.  We who had this charter of sale made, approved, signed and asked witnesses to sign.  +Sign of William Amati.  +Sign of Richard William.  +Sign of Bernard Tronc.  Berengar, subdeacon, wrote this charter of sale on the day and year above.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini.  Nos Isovardus et uxor mea Sancia venditores sumus tibi, domne Almode, comitisse.  Per hanc scripturam vindicionis vindimus tibi casa, casales, ortos, ortales, terras et vineas, cultos vel heremos, garricas cum omni genere lignorum, simul cum ipsis fontibus que hic sunt.  Advenit nobis predicta omnia de nostris genitoribus sive per alias quascumque voces.  Et sunt in comitatu Barchinonensi, in apendicio de chastro Aiarie, in alodio quod dicitur ad ipsum Pratum.  Et affrontant predicta omnis:  ex parte orientis in terminio de Gelide sive de Subirads, de meridie in terminio de Munistrol sive de Subirads, de occiduo in terras que fuerunt de Abdonno, exparte vero civi in strata puplica sive ad ipsum Portel.  Quantum iste supradicte afrontaciones includunt val ambiunt, tantum nos predicti vendimus tibi, domne Almodi comitisse, cum exitibus et regressibus earum, propter precium L mancusos de Barchinona ad pensum de X in uncia, quos tu nobis dedisti et nos a te accepimus, et est manifestum quod nihil de ipso precio apud te, (h)emptrice, remansit, et de nostro iure in tuum tradimus dominium et potestatem ad faciendum quodcumque volueris.  Quod si nos aut ullus homo vel femina contra hanc scripturam vendicionis venerit ad irrumpendum, non valeamus vel valeat vindicare quod requisierimus vel requisierit, set componam aut componat predicta omnia in duplo cum omni sua inmelioracione; et in postmodum hec scriptura nostre vindicionis inconvulsum obtineat robur.  Actum est hoc V kal. Novembris anno III regni Philippi, regis.  Sig+num Isovardi.  Sig+num Sancie.  Nos qui istam cartam vendicionis fecimus, laudavimus, et firmavimus, et testes firmare rogavimus.  Sig+num Guilielmi Amati.  Sig+num Ricardi Guilielmi.  Sig+num Bernard Tronc. Berengarius, subdiachonus, qui istam cartam vindicionis scripsit sub die et anno quo supra.

Historical context:

A sale by Isovard and his wife Sancia to the countess of an honor in the town of Piera for fifty Barcelona marks.

Printed source:

LFM 1.354, #332.


October 28, 1062



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