
Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Liberation

Cortina, Regina; Winter, Marcella

To highlight the significance of Freire’s pedagogy, this article draws from the work of decolonial thinkers in Latin American and Enrique Dussel’s philosophy in order to understand Freire’s pedagogy of liberation. Two concepts in Freire’s work, conscientização and praxis, are key to understanding how awakening the consciousness of teachers and learners can empower them in transforming an unjust world. For Freire, the collaboration between teachers and learners is essential to the self-transformation of leaners for their own liberation. This innovative and transformative pedagogy inspired literacy campaigns and social justice movements around the globe and constitutes Freire's legacy.


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Comparative and International Education
Published Here
August 29, 2022


Freire’s pedagogy, pedagogy of liberation, Decolonial Theory, Latin America