A letter from Innocent II, pope ()


Innocent II, pope


Heloise, abbess of the Paraclete

Translated letter:

Bishop Innocent, servant of the servants of God, to his beloved daughters in Christ abbess Heloise and the nuns of the convent of the Paraclete, greetings and apostolic blessing. It is fitting and easy to give consent to religious desires, so that faithful devotion may swiftly take effect. As much as the female sex is more fragile, so much more do we wish to show paternal care and solicitude towards you, and to provide beneficially for your peace and usefulness/advantage in those things which we can according to God. And therefore that place, with all things appertaining, constructed for the prayers and counsel of the religious, which the priest Gundric granted you in his paternal estate, we confirm to you by apostolic authority, and we reinforce that same grant by the page of the present writing. If anyone, knowing this page of our disposition should recklessly attempt [anything] against it, or warned a second or third time, should not correct his offence with suitable satisfaction, let him know he will incur the anger of almighty God and of his apostles Peter and Paul. Dated at the Lateran, 3rd kalends of January.

Original letter:

Innocentius, servus servorum Dei, dilectis in Christo filiabus Heloissae abbatissae, et sanctimonialibus Paraclitensis coenobii salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Religiosis desideriis dignum est facilem praebere consensum, ut fidelis devotio celerem sortiatur effectum. Quanto itaque feminus sexus exstat fragilior, tanto magis erga vos paternam curam atque sollicitudinem volumus exhibere, et in quibus secundum Deum possumus quieti et utilitati vestrae salubriter providere. Locum itaque suum cum omnibus ad ipsum pertinentibus, quem Gundricus sacerdos in paterno praedio constructum religiosorum precibus et consilio rationabiliter vobis concessit, auctoritate vobis apostolica confirmamus, et concessionem ipsam praesentis scripti pagina roboramus. Si quis autem, hujus nostrae constitutionis paginam sciens, contra eam temere venire tentaverit, secundo tertiove commonitus, si non reatum suum congrua satisfactione correxerit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei, et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum ejus se noverit incursurum. Datum Laterani III cal. januarii.

Historical context:

There are three letters from pope Innocent II to Heloise, addressed as prioress in the first and abbess in the other two, and to the other sisters in the oratory of the Holy Trinity, confirming present and future possessions of the oratory of the Holy Trinity (the Paraclete). The third confirms the gift of a building from a priest.

Printed source:

Opera Petri Abaelardi ed. V. Cousin, 2v (Paris: A Durand, 1849, 1859), Appendix IX.iii 1.720-21 and PL179 ep.504 c569



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