
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Post-COVID-19

Cataldo, Kevin

In this essay, through the lens of a novice Latino urban educator of Color, doctoral student, and emerging culturally relevant classroom teacher and teacher educator, I will revisit and critically analyze the three tenets of CRP by situating Ladson-Billings’ theory in the post-COVID 19 era. I examine the tenets of CRP with the following question in mind: What does CRP look like in a classroom post-COVID-19? While analyzing each tenet, I will provide educationalists with reflective questions that they can use to help them re-analyze the need for CRP in schools. I define educationalists as someone who knows various principles and pedagogical practices of teaching (e.g., classroom teachers, school leaders, district leaders, literacy coaches, curriculum writers, and teacher educators).


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Current Issues in Comparative Education
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Academic Units
Comparative and International Education
Published Here
December 7, 2022


culturally relevant pedagogy, COVID-19