A letter from Gregory I, pope (July 599)


Gregory I, pope


Brunhild, queen of Austrasia and Burgundy

Translated letter:

Gregory to Brunhild queen of the Franks. Since in governing a kingdom virtue needs justice and power equity and neither is sufficient without the other, it can be shown clearly with how much love the care of these shines in you as you laudably guide crowds of peoples. Who therefore considering this could fail to trust the goodness of your excellency or doubt the accomplishment when he knows that you can willingly provide for your sujects those things that are asked of you? So the bearer of the presents, Hilary, servant of your excellence, thinking that the intervention of our commendation will help with your power, asked for letters of support, being sure that it would be more fruitful for his promotion if our intercession spoke for him, as you grant others. Therefore discharging the addresses of greeting with the affection of paternal charity we ask that since the evil of some people extends itself to work for adversities, the protection of your excellence fortify him and order him to be safe by your command so he is not oppressed unreasonably. With you commanding and propitious there can be no adversity unjustly or by will [of an enemy] alone, and we thank you for doing what we ask of your mercy and may blessed Peter prince of apostles, whom you venerate with christian devotion when you grant us what we ask, repay your excellence.

Original letter:

Gregiorius Brunihildae reginae Francorum. Cum in regni regimine virtus iustitia et potestas egeat aequitate nec ad hoc alterum sine altero possit sufficere, quanto in vobis amore horum curae praefulgeant, ex hoc utique patenter ostenditur, dum turbas gentium laudabiliter gubernatis. Quis ergo haec considerans de excellentiae vestrae bonitate diffideat aut de impetratione sit dubius, quando illa a vobis, quae subiectis vos libenter posse novit impendere, duxerit postulanda? Lator itaque praesentium Hilarius excellentiae vestrae famulus nostra se interventione apud potestatem vestram aestimans adiuvari commendationis nostrae sibi poposcit epistolas suffragari certum tenens uberius, sicut ceteris conceditis, promereri, si nostra pro eo intercessio loqueretur. Proinde paternae caritatis affectu salutationis persolventes alloquia petimus, ut, quia quorundam se perhibet nequitia adversitatibus laborare, excellentiae vestrae eum tuitio muniat et, ne contra rationem valeat praegravari, sua illum iussione tutum esse praecipiat, quatenus, dum vobis iubentibus atque propitiis nullius adversitas iniuste et pro sola tantum modo voluntate locum habuerit, et nos de impetratis, quae pro vestra magis mercede poscimus, gratias referamus et excellentiae vestrae beatus Petrus apostolorum princeps, quem in nobis concedendo quae petimus christiana devotione veneramini, recompenset.

Historical context:

Gregory commends the bearer of the letter, Hilarius, who seems to be in some kind of danger, to the queen, asking her to protect him.

Printed source:

MGH, Gregorii Pape Registrum Epistolarum, ep.9.212, 2.197 and HGF4 ep.27 p.29


July 599



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