A letter from Honorius III (1217)


Honorius III


Isabel of Angoulême

Translated letter:

Honorius, to our dearest daughter in Christ, the illustrious queen of England. The more we see you destitute of great comfort in your grief for the death of your husband, John king of England of bright memory, the more we aspire to preserve his justice for you with very firm intent. Inclined therefore to your just prayers, we take your person and all your goods under the protection of St. Peter and ourselves, etc. If any one, etc. Dated the Lateran, 13th kalends of February, 1st year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Honorius, etc., carissimae in Christo filiae nostrae illustri regine Anglie. Quanto per deplorandum obitum clarae memoriae Johannis regis Angliae, viri tui, te majori solatio destitutam conspicimus, tanto ad suas tibi justitias conservandas firmiori proposito aspiramus. Tuis ergo justis precibus inclinati, personam et omnia bona tua sub beati Petri et nostra protectione, etc. Si quis autem, etc. Datum Laterani, XIII kalendas februarii, pontificatus nostri anno primo.

Historical context:

The pope's condolence for the death of her husband and declaration of protection.

Manuscript source:

Reg. Vat. lib.I, epist.175, fol.43; Cod. Casanat. X.VI.2, fol.18; Mus.Brit. add.mss.15351

Printed source:

Horoy, Honorii opera omnia, Letters, 2.201-2, bk.1 ep.163; Regesta Honorii Papae III, 1.48, #268 (summary).





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