A letter from Henry, duke of Lothringen and Brabant (1250, May 19)


Henry, duke of Lothringen and Brabant


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders

Translated letter:

Henry duke of Lothringen and Brabant to all to whom the present letters will have come, greeting. Since a certain disagreement had arisen between the renowned man William by God’s grace ever venerable king of the Romans and Floris his brother on one side and on the other the noble lady Margaret countess of Flanders and of Hainaut concerning the land of Zeeland and the rights and other things which each of the parties claimed to hold there, with the venerable father P. mediating, by God’s grace bishop of Alban, legate of the apostolic see, peace and harmony have finally been made between the parties concerning these things, as is contained in their letters. We, as we attend to the requests and entreaty of the said king, wishing to observe that peace, promise in good faith that if the king himself or Floris, his brother, or their successor should go against the aforesaid peace through themselves or through others, we will bring aid and counsel against them and their abettors and for the said lady countess and her people until it were compensated fully by them; similarly inclined to the requests of the said lady countess we promise the same to the said king, that if the lady countess herself were to challenge the aforementioned peace, we will promote aid and counsel against her and her people and for the same lord king and his people. Granted at Brussels in the year of the Lord 1250, Thursday after the day of Pentecost.(1)

Original letter:

Henricus dux Lotharingie et Brabantie omnibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem. Cum inter virum illustrem W. Dei gratia regem Romanorum semper augustum et Florentium, fratrem eius, ex una parte et nobilem dominam Margaretam Flandrie et Haynonie comitissam ex altera pro terra Zelandie ac iuribus et aliis que ibidem utraque partium se habere dicebat, quedam discordia mota esset, tandem mediante venerabili patre P. Dei gratia Albanensi episcopo, apostolice sedis legato, facta est pax et concordia super hiis inter partes, prout in earum litteris continetur. Nos autem ad preces et instantiam dicti regis, sicut attendimus, pacem ipsam observare volentis promittimus bona fide quod, si ipse rex vel Florentius, frater eius, aut successor eorum paci predicte per se vel per alios contrairent, nos contra ipsos et adiutores eorum auxilium ferremus et consilium dicte domine comitisse et suis donec id esset ab eis plenius emendatum; similiter dicte domine comitisse precibus inclinati idem promittimus dicto regi quod, si ipsa domina comitissa contra pacem prelibatam veniret, nos contra ipsam et suos eidem domino regi et suis consilio et auxilio faveremus. Datum Bruxelle anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo, feria quinta post diem Pentecostis.

Historical context:

The duke asserts his commitment to support the countess if William breaks his agreement with her, but also to support William if the countess should break it.

Scholarly notes:

1 The translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 2.522-23, ep.857.


1250, May 19



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