A letter of donation


Adela of England, Countess of Blois



Translated letter:

By the counsel of the prophet Daniel which he gave to the king of Babylon, we know that sins can be redeemed by charity; elsewhere in scripture, that as water puts out a fire, so charity resists sins.  Tobias is witness, that it frees from death, and does not let one go into shadows.  Christ, creator and master of all the prophets those who were merciful will be blessed on that day with mercy, as who did not so act will be judged without mercy.  For a merciful man does good to his soul, who commiserates with the poor, pays a debt/usury to God; whence Christ says elsewhere:  Give charity and everything in you will be cleansed, who when they come to judgment, does not so much reprove the impious for sins as that they did not destroy them through works of mercy; whence he admonishes piously and healthfully through the gospels, that we acquire friends for ourselves, that is the poor, who [inherit] the kingdom of heaven from the mammon of iniquity, who may receive us in the eternal tabernacles when we die.  Diligently recalling all these to memory, I Adela, countess of Blois, and daughter of William, glorious king of the English, and dearest wife of Stephen, late count palatine, entangled multiply by the chains of my sins, and anxiously  sollicitous to be freed from them by the mercy of God, to increase certain charity which my husband count Stephen, when he first wished to go to Jerusalem, gave to the best kind of poor, namely the brothers who are known to serve God in the Greater Monastery by the Rule in monastic habit, I gave and granted to God and St. Martin and said brothers, for the soul of my husband, who had already died in his second journey to Jerusalem, and also for mine, and the souls of our ancestors, but also for the salvation and status/well-being of our offspring, a certain part of the forest which is called Long Forest, next to the mentioned monastery, as is fixed in the following.  This is the defined boundary:  from the valley of the professed, which is at Chiceray (Secheriacum), towards the south, through the glades and hedges of Bruyères, and thence through the grove of Nucaria up to the river Led(?) and to the enclosures of Vernolliac, pertaining to said monastery, which is called Francheville, through the whole neighborhood, whatever I have within the named boundaries of the domain, except only the body of the town which they call Froidmentel; following the traces of our predecessors, who always loved the Greater Monastery, for love of the outstanding confessor of Christ and gem of priests, Martin, they took care not only to renew and restore the monastic order there, but also to make it better,  through the hands of their voluntary poor who, having left the world and their own things behind, serve God there and enhance the reputation of religion.  Whatever I had in my own domain within the mentioned limits as was said with the consent of my sons William and Thibaud, so at Chamars I gave and handed over in alms, paid, free and untroubled to increase the said charity of my husband and of me, to God and St. Martin, in the year 1104 from the incarnation of the Lord, as my husband and I had up to now in times past, so while it holds whoever are lodged within the ambit of this house by the monks and under them, may not be judged by anyone anywhere in any way ever except by the monks who are in charge of the monastery of Francheville and answer only to them, for all judgments or crimes, customs and fines, and in all things  they are equal, similar and on a par to those who lived within the limits of the first gift to Francheville, and through our castles, cities, towns, and markets, they should give no toll nor any other custom to our ministers, namely for the monks when they go back to their homes they will not be sentenced ever for any crime not there nor elsewhere, by any other, as was said, except by monks.  But if it should happen that harm was done to me or my successors anywhere, our officials would complain to the monks and if the monks passed sentence, they would accept it benignly.  If they did not wish, or could not, or did not dare to do any violence to them or the monks, they should wait patiently, until that cause could be examined justly and mercifully before me or my successors, as is fitting to be done with my own alms, namely, and that of my husband and our offspring.  Whatever beast is captured within said ambit, will be the monks’.  For the whole rest of the forest of Long Forest the dwellers in this gift may take free and without forest-dues what is necessary to all their uses, as much as they want, except that they can take nothing to sell, unless they give the forest-dues to the foresters. They may send all their animals to pasture through the whole Long Forest, with noone prohibiting it, free, except that for the whole time of feeding they give the payment for pasturage of their pigs not to our ministers, but to the said monks.

We also gave to the monks what we had not given before, that for all the pigs who were there for the whole time of feeding and dwelled there, not only in the place of this present gift and in Francheville but also in whatever other place pertaining to that monastery, and ran through the forest of Long Forest, the monks would have the whole pasturage fee from whoever had the pigs.  For it is just, that as we desire and hope, we be freed for this charity from our sins by the grace of God, and so be most free from every custom and right of mortals. 

The witnesses of this gift of ours are these.  On the part of me and my son Thibaud:  Godfrey of Oulchy, my seneschal, Robert of Troyes, Gilduin son of Rambaud of Puiseaux, Hugh Niger, Archembald provost of Chartres, Solomon steward, Peter, provost of Blois, Rainard forester of Marcigny (?Marchasonigro), Curtes forester, Hildric, forester of Valenville, Herbert, forester of La Ferté, Andreas Barba, Hugh of Orsay, Caballarius standard bearer.

On the part of the monks:   Ingelric abbot, Odo, son of Gradulf, Hademar servant, Robert, Dinan, his brother, Hugh Deramat, Effred son of Bernard, and Hugh his brother, Rainald son of Effred, Hugh son of Ebrard, Gaufred son of Hugh, Bernard of Carcahui, Tetbald Pilleatus, Michael, Gaufred of La Ferté, Walter called “cum pascit,”  Hildrad butcher.

                                                Cross which the countess made [large cross]

All which my son count William granted that year at Blois.

Whose witnesses are these:  Guarner Maingot, Andreas Barba, Raymond of Vigenne, Hervé Belon, Bernard son of Gualo, Giles, Peter of Roborelegato, Bernard forester, Martin hunter, Caballarius, Guarin servant, Rainald of Fonte, Rainald of Chapelle, Ebroin forester, Hubert of Cruce, Peter his brother, Charles Guarin, Ermengod, Pagan of Chainon, Rainald abbot, Ingelbald servant of the monks, Girard, Rainald the collector, Gaufred cellarer, Raimbert, Raoul of Montier-la-Celle, Rainard Farinard, Burdin, son of the cook.

Original letter:

Prophetae Danielis consilio quod regi babiloniae dedit, cognovimus elemosinis posse peccata redimi; dicente alibi scriptura, quod sicut aqua extingui ignem ita elemosina resistit peccatis.  Ipsa nanque Tobia teste, a morte liberat, nec sinit ire in tenebras.  Prophetarum quoque omnium et creator Christus et magister beatos esse diem misericordes ipsi nanque consequenter misericordiam, sicut et contra judicium sine misericordia erit illi, qui non fecerit eam.   Bene etenim facit animae suae vir misericors, qui cum pauperis miseretur, foenerat Deo; unde et alibi Christus ait:  Date elemosinam et omnia munda erunt vobis, qui cum ad judicium venerit, non tam arguet impios peccatorum quam quod ea non deleverint per opera misericordiarum; unde salubriter et pie per evangelium ammonet, ut nobis amicos, id est pauperes, quorum est regnum coelorum, de mammona iniquitatis adquiramus, qui nos in aeterna tabernacula suscipiant cum defecerimus.  Quibus omnibus diligenter ad memoriam revocatis, Ego Adela, Blesensium comitissa et Willelmi gloriosi regis Anglorum filia, Stephanique palatini comitis quondam uxor karissima, peccatorum meorum vinculis multipliciter irretita, et per Dei misericordiam liberari ab illis desiderabiliter sollicita, ad augendam elemosinam quandam, quam vir meus comes Stephanus, cum prima vice Jerusalem ire vellet, fecerat, optimo cuidam generi pauperum, fratribus videlicet qui in Majori Monasterio Deo sub habitu monachili militare regulariter comprobantur, dedi et concessi Deo et beato Martino fratribusque prefatis, pro anima ejusdem viri mei, quem jam obiisse in secundo suo itinere Jerusalem contigerat, necnon et pro mea, proque nostrorum antecessorum animabus, sed et pro salute atque statu prolis nostrae, partem quandam bosci, qui Silvalonnia dicitur, obedientiae memoratae contiguam, sicut in sequentibus terminatur.  Est autem ipsa determinatio talis:  a valle scilicet probati, quae est ad Secheriacum, versus meridiem, per landas et per plexitium de Brueria, et inde per tuscham de Nucaria usque ad fluvium Ledi, et ad Haias de Vernolliaco, praedictae obedientiae, quae Franca Villa dicitur, pertinentes, totum scilicet per circuitum, quicquid infra memoratas determinationes dominicaturae habueram, eatenus excepto solummodo corpore villae, quam appellant Frigidum Mantellum; predecessorum itaque nostrorum vestigia sequens, qui Majus Monasterium, ob amorem egregii confessoris Christi gemmaeque sacerdotum Martini semper dilexerunt, et non solum renovare et monasticum ordinem inibi restaurare, verum etiam semper ipsum in melius promovere curaverunt, per manus eorumdem spontaneorum pauperum qui, relicto seculo et rebus propriis, Deo inibi famulantur et quorum religionis opinio per celebris habetur.  Quicquid infra prefatos limites ut dictum est habebam in dominio proprio, assensu filiorum meorum Willelmi et Tetbaldi, sic solutum, liberum ut quietum ad augmentum predictae elemosinae viri mei, atque meae, Deo beatoque Martino, anno ab incarnatione Domini MCIIII, apud Camartium posita, dedi et tradidi in elemosinam, sicut ipsum vir meus atque ego eatenus habueramus, temporibus retroactis, ita dum taxat ut, quicunque infra hujus domus ambitum fuerint hospitati a monachis et sub eis, a nullo alio ullatenus unquam vel uspiam justicientur, quam a monachis, qui obendientiae Francae Villae praefuerint et ipsis tantummodo respondeant, de omnibus justiciis sive forisfactis, consuetudinibus et emendationibus suis et in omnibus sint pares, similes et aequales hospitibus, qui infra limites primi doni Francae Villae fuerint, atque per castella, civitates et oppida et mercatus nostros, neque teloneum, neque aliam consuetudinem ullam reddant ministris nostris, scilicet monachis cum ad domos suas redierint, neque ibi, neque alibi, pro forisfacto aliquo unquam justicientur, ab alio quolibet, ut jam dictum est, quam a monachis.  Sed si quid in me vel successores meos contigerit eos uspiam delinquere, proinde clamorem faciant ad monachos, officiales nostri, et si monachi fecerint eis justiciam benigne suscipiant eam.  Si vero non voluerint vel non potuerint, nec propterea tamen audeant aliquam violentiam inferre vel illis vel monachis, sed expectent patienter, donec ante me vel successores meos, causa illa juste et clementer possit examinari, sicut decet agi de propria elemosina mea scilicet, ac viri mei, nostraeque prolis.  Quaecunque fera infra memoratum ambitum capta fuerit, monachorum erit.  De tota reliqua forestae Silva Logniae gratis et sine forestagio ullo capiant hospites hujus doni, ad omnes suos usus necessarios, quantum voluerint, excepto quod inde nichil ad vendendum capiant, nisi forestagium inde reddiderint forestariis.  Ad pastum vere mittant universa animalia, per totam Silvam Logniam, nemine prohibente, gratis, excepto quod toto pastionis tempore reddant pasnagium de porcis suis, non ministris nostris, sed monachis sepedictis.  Quibus etiam monachis dedimus, quod antea non dederamus, ut de omnibus porcis, qui de toto pastionis tempore jacuerint, et hospitati fuerint, non tantum in hujus presentis doni loco et in Franca Villa, sed etiam in omni alio quolibet loco, ad ipsam obedientiam pertinente, et per forestem Silve Logniae cucarrerint, totum pasnagium habeant ipsi monachi cujuscunque fuerint ipsi porci.  Justum est enim, ut sicut optamus et speramus, nos pro hac elemosina a peccatis nostris per Dei gratiam liberari, ita et ipsa ab omni mortalium consuetudine et jure liberrima sit.  Doni autem hujus nostri testes sunt isti.  Ex parte mea et filii mei Tetbaldi:  Godefredus de Ulcheia, siniscalis meus, Rotbertus de Trecis, Gilduinus filius Raimbaldi de Puteolo, Hugo Niger, Archembaldus prepositus Castridunensis, Salomon panetarius, Petrus prepositus Blesensis, Rainardus forestarius de Marchasonigro, Curtesius forestarius, Hildricus, forestarius de Vaslenivilla, Herbertus, forestarius de Firmitate, Andreas Barba, Hugo de Orceio, Caballarius banerius.

Ex parte autem monachorum:  Ingelricus major, Odo filius Gradulfi, Hademarus serviens, Rotbertus Dinan, frater ejus, Hugo Deramatus, Effredus filius Bernardi, et Hugo frater ejus, Rainaldus filius Effredi, Hugo filius Ebrardi, Gaufredus filius Hugonis, Bernardus de Carcahui, Tetbaldus Pilleatus, Michael, Gaufredus de Firmitate, Gaulterius dictus cum pascit, Hildradus bocherius.

            Crux quam comitissa fecit + [large cross]

Quae omnia concessit Willelmus comes filius meus, apud Blesim positus eodem anno. Cujus rei testes sunt isti:  Guarnerius Maingotus, Andreas Barba, Raimundus de Vigenna, Herveus Belonius, Bernardus filius Gualonis, Gilonus, Petrus de Roboreligato, Bernardus forestarius, Martinus venator, Caballarius, Guarinus servus, Rainaldus de Fonte, Rainaldus de Capella, Ebroinus forestarius, Hubertus de Cruce, Petrus frater ejus, Carolus Guarini, Ermengodus, Paganus de Chainone, Rainaldus major, Ingelbaldus famulus monachorum, Girardus, Rainaldus li Peator, Gaufredus cellararius, Raimbertus, Radulfus de Montecealdi, Rainardus Farinardus, Burdinus, filius coqui.


Historical context:

The countess donates more Long Forest land to the new priory at Marmoutier and grants various rights to the monks, including justice over those who dwell in that territory, though she retains the right to hear disputed cases, and wide usage of the forest.  Her sons Thibaud and William consent, Thibaud at the time of signing, William some months later.  LoPrete, Adela of Blois, 470, #52, identifies the biblical passages that open the charter: Daniel 4:24, Ecclesiasticus 33, Tobit, 4:11, Matthew 5:7, James 2:13 Proverbs 19:17, Luke 11:41 and 9:16.  The document is labeled in the cartulary:   “Gift of lady Adela, countess of Blois and our benefactor of Long Forest.”  Donum Adelae dominae et benefactricis nostrae Blesensis comitissae de Silvalonnia.

Printed source:

Cartulaire de Marmoutier pour le Dunois, ed. Emile Mabille (Châteaudun, 1874), p.68-71, #77.





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