Resolution of a dispute


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

We Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary commend to memory signifying to all that when we bought a certain possession called Izgren in the county/ispánate of Veszprem for eighty marks of silver from Jordan son of count/ispán Balcyn citizen of Alba (Fehérvár), through the charter composed about this by the chapter of Alba, we conferred that possession on Stephen and his brothers, sons of count/ispán Luke with  the charters of lords Béla and Stephen, illustrious kings of Hungary of pious memory that had been restored to us by that Jordan in the presence of that chapter; then the venerable man master Theodore provost of Alba, Ladislaus his brother for him and Nicholas young son of the count/ispán Nicholas of Tengurd, summoned to the presence of royal majesty Stephen son of said count Luke and his brothers on the dispute about that land Izgren, showing the charter of the convent of the cross-bearers (crusaders?) of Alba about the purchase of said land Izgren by that Jordan first to provost Theodore and his said brothers, as the date and year of that charter declared, and moreover that provost Theodore and his brothers showed equally seven judicial letters against Stephen and his named brothers, in which we found them convicted in the matter of said land, for Stephen and his brothers had come to us and asked from our majesty that we deign to advance to them the granting of said land.  So we since we had committed those charters granted by us and the charter of said provost Theodore to our barons to be judged, they through their arbitration, with justice to that provost Theodore and his brothers determined, with us willing and permitting when we were consulted, they left and restored said possession Izgren that was taken justly from that Stephen and his brothers, or rather we from the fullness of our grace left and conferred it on that provost Theodore and Ladislaus and Nicholas his brothers, to be possessed  peacefully.  And lest those Stephen and his brothers should in any way be able to oppose a grant of this kind made by us, so that said provost Theodore by the grace of our majesty through the arbitration of those our barons, would not be held by right to them in anything, he gave that Stephen and his brothers ten marks and one vineyard in Endred called Boksceleue to be possessed by title of purchase and one site or estate of the court and ten measures/acres (iugera) of arable land in that land Endred to be possessed and held perpetually.  Dated in Guezte, on the day after St. Lawrence, in the 1289th year of the Lord. 

Original letter:

Nos Elysabeth Dei gratia regina Ungarie memorie commendamus significantes universis, quod cum nos a Jordano filio comitis Balcyni cive Albensi quandam possessionem Izgren vocatam in comitatu Vesprimiensi existentem pro octuaginta marcis argenti mediante privilegio capituli Albensis super hoc confecto comparassemus et eandem possessionem Stephano et fratribus suis filiis comitis Luce cum privilegiis dominorum Bele et Stephani illustrium regum Ungarie piarum recordationum nobis per eundem Jordanum in presentia ipsius capituli restitutis contulissemus, demum venerabilis vir magister Theodorus prepositus Albensis, Ladizlaus frater ipsius pro se et Nicolao parvulo filio comitis Nicolai de Tengurd Stephanum filium dicti comitis Luce et fratres suos occasione eiusdem terre Izgren in regie maiestatis presentia convenerunt exhibentes privilegium conventus cruciferorum de Alba super emptione dicte terre Isgren et vendite per eundem Jordanum primitus Theodoro preposito et fratribus suis antedictis sicut eiusdem privilegii data seu annus declarabant, et inssuper iidem Theodorus prepositus et fratres sui septem paria litterarum iudicialium exhibuerunt contra Stephanum et fratres suos memoratos, in quibus legitime eos comperimus esse convictos in facto terre supradicte, iidem namque Stephanus et fratres sui ad nos accedentes a nostra petierunt maiestate, ut nos ipsos super collatione dicte terre expedire dignaremur. Nos itaque cum ipsa privilegia pro nobis concessa et privilegium dicti Theodori prepositi baronibus nostris decernenda commisissemus, iidem per modum arbitrii cognita iustitia ipsius Theodori prepositi et fratrum suorum nobis requisitis volentibus et permittentibus dictam possessionem Isgren ab eisdem Stephano et fratribus suis iuste ablatam reliquerunt et restituerunt ymo nos de plenitudine nostre gratie reliquimus et contulimus ipsi Theodoro preposito et Ladizlao ac Nicolao fratribus suis pacifice possidendam. Et ne iidem Stephanus et fratres sui huiusmodi collatione per nos facta omnino privari valeant, prefatus Theodorus prepositus propter nostre maiestatis gratiam per arbitrium eorundem baronum nostrorum licet de iure eisdem in nullo teneretur, dedit tamen ipsi Stephano et fratribus suis decem marcas et unam vineam in Endred Boksceleue vocatam emptionis titulo possessam et unam sessionem seu fundum curie ac decem iugera terre arabilis in eadem terra Endred perpetuo possidenda et habenda. Datum in Guezte, in crastino Sancti Laurencii, anno Domini Mo CCo octuagesimo nono.

Historical context:

The queen submits to her barons a dispute about land she had bought and given to one set of brothers but which another set of brothers claimed on the basis of several legal documents.  She has to recognize the claim of the latter and restore the land to them but she gives another piece of land to the first set of brothers to forestall later claims.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008),  146-47, #229.


1289, August 11


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