
Poverty as Injustice

Phelps, Edmund S.

In much of the world, there are concerns over the abysmal wages among the less advantaged and the many victims of racial and gender discrimination. Though tax credits to single mothers with low wage income provide support and contribute to the development of their children, there are still cruel signs of poverty among working people: malnourishment, poor health and substance abuse.

Less appreciated, many a low-wage worker must pass up a job offering meaningful work because it pays even less. And without a “good job” these workers cannot have “the good life.” Such outcomes in any advanced economy are grim signs that something is wrong: The problem is not “inequality” here. There is a high degree of injustice.


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Academic Units
Center on Capitalism and Society
Center on Capitalism and Society Working Papers, 118
Published Here
January 12, 2022


Originally published as an op-ed in Project Syndicate on August 28, 2020.