A letter from John VIII, pope (877, May 30)


John VIII, pope


Richild of Lotharingia

Translated letter:

… they desire with the whole heart, they exult in his coming, since omnipotent God will appear, agreeable to the just and terrible to the injust. And so your most beloved charity will exhibit itself most devoted to us on this and as long as strength endures, not cease to work so that our request will be accomplished by your urging, we give worthy thanks to you and hold your memory in our prayers to the holy apostles. Dated 3 Kalends of June, 10th Indiction.

Original letter:

. . . toto corde desiderant, in adventu illius exultent, quia et omnipotens Deus blandus iustis et terribilis apparebit iniustis. Vestra itaque dillectissima karitas devotissimam se super hoc nobis exhibeat et, quousque vires suppeditant, laborare non cesset, ut, dum vestris hortatibus hec nostra postulatio ad effectum pervenerit, dignas vobis gratias referamus et apud sanctos apostolos in orationibus vestri memoriam habeamus. Data III Kalendas Iunii, Indictione X.

Historical context:

This is a fragment of a letter in which the pope asks her to accomplish whatever it is he has requested.

Printed source:

MGH, Ep Kar Aevi 5, Johannis Papae Epistolae, ep.54.


877, May 30



This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.