A letter from Baldwin III and (1159)


Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem
Melisende of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

In the name of the Holy and Individual Trinity of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, amen. Let it be known to all present and future that I, Baldwin, by the grace of God fourth king of the Latins in holy Jerusalem, for my salvation and that of my [people] living and dead and at the request of the lady Melisende, illustrious queen of Jerusalem, my mother, instructed by many and so inclined, grant the gift of a certain village named Casracos, situated not far from Ascar in its entirety and with its appurtenances, except the little part given and granted to a certain soldier, with that same stipulation and freedom with which my lady mother queen Melisende gave and afterwards confirmed by privilege, to the church of the most holy Virgin Mary of the valley of Josaphat and its venerable abbot William and to the monks now serving and those serving God there in the future in honor of the inviolate Virgin, to be possessed in perpetuity, on my part I approve and grant to the aforementioned church, to the extent that said church of the Valley of Josaphat and the mentioned abbot William and the monks now present there and their successors in the future may possess said village Casracos free and clear and without any challenge or impediment through infinite centuries. With this present page, therefore, I confirm the noted [donation] with the fortification of subscribed witnesses and my seal. What they established for my lady mother queen Melisende and for all her [people] living and dead, to celebrate solemnities of masses at the sepulchre of Mary mother of God perpetually, I wish to be done. This was done in the year 1159 from the Incarnation of the Lord, indiction 7. Witnesses of this matter are: Humfred of Torone, constable, Walter of St. Aldemar, castellan, now lord of Tiberias, Gormund of Tyberias, William, marshal of the king, William, marshal of Tyberias, Odo of St. Amand, Otto of Risberg, Walter of Guella. Given by the hand of Stephen, performing in this office in place of Ralph, bishop of Bethlehem and chancellor of the king, 3 ides of March.

Original letter:

In nomine Sancte et Individue Trinitatis Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, amen. Notum sit omnibus tam futuris quam presentibus quod ego Balduinus per gratiam Dei in sancta Jerusalem Latinorum rex quartus, pro salute mea et meorum tam vivorum quam defunctorum necnon et precibus domine Milisendis illustris Jherosolimorum regine, matris siquidem mee, plurimum commonitus et inclinatus, donum cujusdam casalis Casracos nuncupati haud longe ab Ascar siti cum omni videlicet integritate et adjacentiis suis, excepta tamen particula cuidam Turcopolo data et concessa eodem tenore et eadem libertate qua domina et mater mea Milisendis regina ecclesie beatissime Virginis Marie de valle Josaphat et ejusdem venerabili abbati Willelmo necnon et monachis in honore intemerate Virginis Deo nunc ibidem servientibus et in posterum servituris, illud possidendum in perpetuum donavit suoque postmodum privilegio firmavit, ex parte mea pretaxate ecclesie laudo et concedo, ita dumtaxat quod predicta Vallis Josaphat ecclesia atque memoratus abbas Willelmus necnon et monachi nunc ibi presentes et in futurum successuri, amodo prefatum casale Casracos libere, quiete et sine omni calumpnia vel impedimento per infinita seculorum secula possideant. Hac igitur presenti pagina, subscriptis testibus sigillique mei munimine [donationem] denotatam confirmo. Quod autem statuerunt, pro domina et matre mea Milisende regina necnon et pro suis omnibus tam vivis quam defunctis, ad sepulchrum Dei genitricis Marie sacerdotem Deo jugiter missarum solempnia celebrare volo ut fiat. Factum est autem hoc anno ab Incarnatione Domini MCLIX indictione VII. Hujus quidem rei testes sunt Humfredus de Torone constabularius; Galterius de Sancto Audemaro castellanus, nunc dominus Tyberiadensis; Gormundus Tyberiadensis ; Guillelmus marescalcus regis; Guillelmus Marescalcus Tyberiadensis; Odo de Sancto Amando; Ottho de Risberge, Galterius de Guella. Data Achon per manum Stephani, domini Radulfi Bethleemite episcopi regisque cancellarii, in hoc officio vice fungentis, III idus Martii.

Historical context:

Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem, at the request of his mother Melisende, confirms the grant Melisende made to the church of St. Mary of the valley of Josaphat and abbot William of the village of Casracos situated near Ascar with what is adjacent, except the little part given formerly by Melisend to a certain soldier.

Printed source:

Delaborde, H.F., Chartes de Terre Sainte (Paris: Thorin, 1880, Bibliothèque des Ecoles Francaises d’Athènes et de Rome, v.19.80-81, #33, RRH #336





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