A letter from Benzo, bishop of Alba (1080)


Benzo, bishop of Alba


Adelaide of Turin and Susa

Translated letter:

To lady Adelaide, the first half of whose name is genitive or dative of the first word of man, [from] brother Benzo. Your name is a good name, Your name is the gift of God. Not everyone understands this word, but those to whom it is given. Indeed fleeting madness does not understand the mysteries of the book of Genesis. Those mysteries seek a healthy mind, not what Cassandra and the Sybil were driven by, whose breasts Pythius [Delphic Appollo] filled when he wished to delude heathens with obscurities. But when the Lord was incarnated, the holy Spirit illumined the hearts of the faithful, ejecting the possessed women and the Delian from the church. Indeed it opened up the secrets of divine scripture; it would reveal to the infidels what the figures of the earlier testament hid. Nor is the face of Moses still veiled since the keen sight of catholics sees the whole Moses more clearly in the light. For in the passion of the Lord stones are broken, the veil is cut and the christian faith perceives the depth of letters, even if the abyss calls to the abyss. Therefore let us not be a horse and a mule in which there is no understanding, let us seek the new mystery where the progress of our salvation lies. Let us lay open the sacrament of the dearest name, that is of our most blessed prince. The Savior and Lord providing for human use, dispenses what is appropriate to individual times. For as he foreknew the conjunctive form from the rib of the man, so he foresaw lady Adelaide derived from his name. Whence let us give thanks to the Creator since we are not without the gifts of his graces. Truly it is the grace of God that a type is made. Therefore Eve (Eva) backwards is Hail (Ave), so Adelaide, with parts reversed, becomes a good and sweet name. For what is Adelaide unless “Give the sons of Adam law.” That is to say: “Be the giver of law over the sheepfolds of the christian flock. Be the guardian sheepdog of the flock of Christ, which bold presumption dispersed through thickets.” You are indeed that queen who appeared to the psalmist from the right hand of God in bright dress. You are full of graces, your eyes of doves; go after him who is the God of mercies. Do not fear, o prince, forechosen from the beginning of the world, nor be afraid that you see all things under your feet. Offer your right hand to sinking Rome, help the king looking to you with pious eyes. In these two hangs the whole church, see what you may do holy Adelaide. We ask that you not oppose the holy Spirit who forechose you, hear us. We ask that you help the king, hear us. We ask that you help clerics and laymen, hear us. We ask that you help all christians, hear us. We ask that you aid the perishing world, hear us. Let us pray: “Keep your servant Adelaide, whom you chose from the beginning, in your service, Lord, I ask, so that through her, with you leading, there may be peace in your churches, to the perpetual joy of human salvation through our Lord.

Original letter:

Domnae Adelegidae, cuius prima medietas nominis est genitivus sive dativus vocabuli primi hominis, frater Benzo. Nomen tuum nomen bonum, Nomen tuum Dei donum. Non omnes capiunt verbum istud, sed quibus datum est. Mysteria quidem libri Genesis non capit volatica frenesis. Sanam mentem expetunt mysteria illa, non qua impellebantur Cassandra et Sybilla, quarum pectora Pythius replebat, cum phanaticos ex ambiguis deludere volebat. Sed incarnato Domino, illuminavit Spiritus sanctus corda fidelium, eiciens ab aecclesia Phytonissas et Delium. Apperuit quippe archana divinae scripturae; infidelibus pateat, quod abscondebant prioris testamenti figurae. Neque iam velatur Moysi facies, quia luce clarius perspicit totum Moysen catholicorum acies. Nam in passione Domini et petre scissae sunt, et velum scissum, et christiana fides profunditatem litterarum cernit, licet clamet habyssus habyssum. Ergo non simus equus et mulus, quibus non est intellectus, queramus novum mysterium, ubi latet nostrae salutis profectus. Enucleemus sacramentum carissimi nominis, nostrae scilicet beatissimae principis. Providens enim humanae utilitati Salvator et Dominus, abtanda dispensat singulis temporibus. Nam sicut prescivit de costa viri formam coniunctivam, ita previdit domnam Adeleidam de nomine eius denominativam. Unde Factori gratias referimus quia non sumus expertes donis gratiarum eius. Vere gratia Dei est, quod typice factum est. Igitur sicut Eva conversim fit Ave, ita Adeleida, conversis partibus, fit nomen bonum atque suave. Quid est enim Adelegida, nisis “Da legi Adae filios.” Hoc est dicere: “Esto datrix legis super caulas christiani gregis. Esto gregis Christi custos gregaria, quem dispersit per dumeta presumptio temeraria.” Tu es quippe regina illa, quae apparuisti psalmistae a dextris Dei in veste polimita. Plena es gratiarum, oculi tui columbarum; vade post eum, qui est Deus misericordiarum. Ne timeas, o princeps, ab initio seculi preelecta, neque formides quoniam omnia sub pedibus vides. Porrige dextram Romae mergenti, succurre regi piis oculis te respicienti. In his duobus pendet tota aecclesia, vide quid facias sancta Adelegida. Ut Spiritui sancto, qui te preelegit, non sis contraria te rogamus, audi nos. Ut regi subvenias te rogamus, audi nos. Ut clericis et laicis subvenias te rogamus, audi nos. Ut omnibus christianis subvenias te rogamus, audi nos. Ut pereunti mundo succurras te rogamus, audi nos. Oremus: “Famulam tuam Adelegidam, quam elegisti ab initio, conserva, queso, Domine, in tuo servitio, ut per eam, te duce, fiat pax in aecclesiis tuis, ad perpetuum gaudium humanae salutis, per Dominum nostrum.”

Historical context:

The bishop of Alba wrote a metrical letter to Burchard, bishop of Lausanne, Chancellor of Italy, urging him to obtain the alliance of the countess and make her leader of the imperial party in Lombardy (MGH, SS 11.646-47). Presumably Benzo was then encouraged to negotiate with her and wrote a series of letters in that cause, of which this is the third. The king referred to is the emperor, Henry IV.

Printed source:

MGH, SS 11.654-55, ep.12





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