A letter from Otto III, to his grandmother (5/996-7/996)


Otto III, to his grandmother


Adelaide of Burgundy, Ottonian empress

Translated letter:

To his lady A[delaide], always imperial empress, O[tto], by the grace of God imperial emperor. Since according to your wishes and desires, the divinity has conferred the rights of empire on us with happy outcome, we adore the divinity and give thanks to you truly. For we know and perceive the maternal affection, zeal, and piety for which we can not fail to obey/serve you. In the same way that when we move forward your honor is raised, we pray and desire that the common weal be advanced through you and ruled happily in its state. Fare well.

Original letter:

Dominae A. imperatrici semper augustae O. gratia Dei imperator augustus. Quia secundum vota et desideria vestra divinitas nobis iura imperii contulit felici successu, divinitatem quidem adoramus, vobis vero grates rependimus. Scimus enim et intelligimus maternum affectum, studia, pietatem, quibus rebus obsequio vestro deesse non possumus. Proinde quia, dum promovemur, vester honor attollitur, rem publicam per vos promoveri ac promotam feliciter in suo statu regi multum oramus et optamus. Valete.

Historical context:

Otto expresses gratitude to Adelaide and wishes for continued but unspecified cooperation in the letter, but when he left for Italy in the same year he chose his aunt, abbess Matilda of Quedlinburg, to be his regent.

Printed source:

MGH BDKz 2, ep215 p.256-57; also PL139, c.241.





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