
Red Hook, Brooklyn: Equitable Resilience through Preservation

Avrami, Erica C.; Michiels, Tim L.G.; Roberts, Bryony W.; Elias, Bruno; Ericksen, Rachel; Foster, Katlyn M.; Kahn, Emily; Liu, Ziyu; Ma, Lai; McCallum, William; Peters, Caroline; Rice, Thomas; Simmons, Tucker McIntosh; Story, Madison

This Spring 2020 Historic Preservation studio in the Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation focused on how preservation can serve as a tool to promote equitable resilience in the community of Red Hook, Brooklyn, by critically exploring the following questions:

- How are diverse histories, narratives, and multiple publics represented in the built environment of Red Hook?
- In what ways have the community values and heritage resources of Red Hook evolved and been challenged – historically and more recently – by environmental factors (e.g. land reclamation, coastal flooding, pollution and brownfields contamination, etc.) as well as socio-economic and political factors (industrial shifts, demographic change, new development, etc.)?
- How can the preservation enterprise intervene, so as to instrumentalize heritage toward equitable resilience in Red Hook?


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Academic Units
Historic Preservation
Published Here
May 29, 2024