
Current Methods and Future Research in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease

Jhajj, Gaganpreet; Farinas, Mark

The ability to detect the presence of many neurodegenerative diseases during the early stages has been done with limited success. This article will briefly explore biochemical characteristics of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), and current methods for detecting AD. These methods will be evaluated against how accurate and invasive these tests are as well as the time required to conduct one of these tests. As well the innovations made for detecting other neurodegenerative diseases and how these methods could be applied for detecting AD in the early stages. How a diagnostic test based off discussed detection principles will also be detailed in addition to the theoretical creation of a fluorescent assay that could be used as a detection method for AD.


  • thumnail for Jhajj_Farinas_2022_Current Methods and Future Research in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease.pdf Jhajj_Farinas_2022_Current Methods and Future Research in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease.pdf application/pdf 493 KB Download File

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Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal

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Columbia College
Published Here
August 29, 2022