A letter from Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine (1109, June)


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and indivisible trinity. In the year of the incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ 1109. While countess Matilda was residing at San Cesario, Wibert of Gonzaga complained that she was unjustly lodging her men, namely John Viventium and his fellow brothers from Canusa, dwelling in Correggio. She promised to do justice to them, and sending Odald, her judge, so that he might question ministers and good men of that place called together and discover the truth for her. He, fulfilling commands, came to that place and summoned to him Girard, count of that land, and Roland and Manfred Bonsenior, jurors of the same place, and Cosbert and Albizo of Valle Putrida and Alegro John Robald and Rodulf of Canusa and he requested of them the truth and justice of this matter. All testified that they had been lodged against justice and she should not rightly lodge them. Once the truth was known, the countess promised that she would observe this and commanded to all her ministers and gave the order to lodge them no longer. Sign + of hand: I, countess Matilda. Signs +++ of hands of Girard of Placia, Roland, Manfred Segnoreti, Gosbert of Miliarina, Albezo, Alegro. Other witnesses were present. (S,N.) I, Ato, notary, completed and gave (this) subsequently delivered.1

Original letter:

(S. N.) In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis. Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Christi millesimo centesimo VIIII. Residente comitissa Matilda apud sanctum Cesarium, conquestus est Vvibetus de Gunzaca, quod ipsa iniuste ospitaret suos homines, Iohannes silicet Uiencium et confratres eiusdem de Canusia, commorantes in Corrigia. At ipsa promisit eis iusticiam facere, et mittens Odaldum iudicem suum, ut convocatis ministris eiusdem loci et bonis hominibus inquireret et inveniret ei veritatem. Qui iussa complens venit in eodem loco et fecit ad se venire Girardum comitem illius terre et Rolandum et Manfredum Bonisenioris iuratores eiusdem loci, et Cosbertum et Albizum de Ualle Putrida et Alegro Iohannis Robaldi et Rodulfus de Canus[ia et re]quisivit ab eis iusticiam et veritatem uius rei. Qui omnes testificati sunt, quod contra iusticiam ospitati fuerunt et non recte eos ospitare deberet. Experta ac veritate, comitisa promisit se ita observare et omnibus suis ministris mandavit et dedit preceptum numquam amplius eos ospitare. Si + gnum manus: ego comitissa Matilda. Signa +++ manuum Girardi de Placia, Rolando, Manfredus Segnoreti, Gosberto de Miliarina, Albezo, Alegro. Alii interfuere testes. (S. N.) Ego Ato notarius scribere postradita complevi et dedi'.

Historical context:

Matilda responds to a complaint about the unjust lodging of some of her men.

Scholarly notes:

1 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Die Urkunden und Briefe der Markgräfin Mathilde von Tuszien, ed. Elke Goez and Werner Goez (Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998), ep.116.


1109, June



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