Matilda, abbess of Essen


Title social-status
abbess of Essen
Date of Birth
Date of Death


(See also Genealogical Table(s): 2.)
Matilda was a granddaughter of Otto I, the daughter of his son by queen Edith, Liudolf of Swabia. Edith (Eadgith) was herself a daughter of king Edward the Elder of England and granddaughter of king Alfred. As the last surviving member of Liudolf’s line (after the death of her brother Otto, duke of Swabia in 982), Matilda commissioned or requested a history of her distinguished English forebears from an English cousin, AEthelweard, who apparently adapted the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle into Latin for her and addresses her at the beginning of each book.(1)

Letters to Matilda, abbess of Essen

A letter from AEthelweard ()
A letter from AEthelweard ()
A letter from AEthelweard ()
A letter from AEthelweard ()


This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.